Saturday, January 20, 2007

Febrary 2nd is coming

Expect this day to be significant. February 2nd. Here are 3 reasons why:

This day is a day said to be a “rare chance” at Middle East peace.
This day is Tu B'Shevat, also known as Rosh Hashana for trees. What you say? Read my blog dated January 9, 2007. It is very, very important.
My last reason is personal. For years now I have had to fight through a custody battle for the protection of my children. Their lives have been put at risk through alcohol, etc. The initial final date for this hearing was Rosh Hashanah, it has been rescheduled many times and is now on February 2nd. I know this won’t mean much to you, but after tracking this for 7 years now, trust me it’s significant. It really has taught me deep lessons about forgiveness and also taking a hard stand for the right thing. This is how God has helped me to understand his love & forgiveness, but also justice. Not in our way or time, but his way.

Here is a portion of the news on Merkel and Rice. I’m sure you can find plenty more on your own. This comes amidst many, many storms in Europe – all significant and not coincidence.

Rice and Merkel, who holds the rotating EU presidency, told reporters before their meeting that there was a rare but tangible chance for peace in the Middle East which could have a positive influence throughout the region.

Rice and German Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier announced late Wednesday that representatives from the United Nations, the United States, Russia and the European Union would meet in Washington next month to discuss ways to end the Middle East conflict.

Rice said Thursday that the meeting would probably take place Feb. 2.

Merkel and Rice Take Steps to Revive Middle East Peace Talks



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