Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Rapture Confirmations: Head vs. Heart

John, along w/ many of the other doves I want to thank you for your recent posts. I was fascinated reading them and best of all it is very compelling information regarding the Rapture and 2008.

Jim Bramlett I want to thank you for connecting me w/ Dr. Swanson and all of the unbelievable date knowledge he was willing to personally go over with me on the phone. I have a lot of respect for anyone willing to make their personal phone number and research available. That’s why I took advantage of such a great opportunity.


There is quite a difference between head vs. heart confirmations. Don’t get me wrong, I love the numbers, the reason & logic, theology, etc. I have to say that I’ve never really been able to put a firm grip on dreams, but I know that this can be a heart type testimony.

For me, the greatest testimonies are those personal things that God has spoken directly into my heart. Personal miraculous experiences that go beyond the actual event. God’s word does this often such as Abraham and Isaac foreshadowing the Cross & Jesus.

If you had to put all your “marbles” on God where would you put them? In my life that would be “My Prophetic Navy Experience” that took place 19 years ago.

This is where both the head & heart come in to play together (a two strand cord & two witnesses). 19 is a very significant number. 19 according to E.W. Bullinger’s book “Number in Scripture” is made of “10” which stands for ordinal completion and “9” which stands for judgment.

Also, I have found that the lunar calendar repeats itself every 19 years. This is very, very significant to me because my greatest deep hearted testimony took place at this time and unbeknownst to me that year (1989) these events took place at first fruits, Pentecost and Rosh Hashanah. I am absolutely sure this is no coincidence.

All the Jewish feast dates from 19 years ago, 1989 are repeating themselves this year. In my mind and heart these events surely were a foreshadowing and with the knowledge the 19 means ordinal completion (10) and judgment (9) along with the dates repeating themselves I have to be on a “sharp lookout” (Jesus commanded that we watch).

My ship was involved in the clean up of the Alaskan oil spill when much of these prophetically significant events happened in my life. The dates and some brief info is as follows:

Following her return, FORT MCHENRY participated in the cleanup of the EXXON VALDEZ oil spill by deploying to Prince William Sound from 28 April to 22 June 1989. In recognition of the crew's effectiveness during the cleanup operation, FORT MCHENRY was awarded the Meritorious Unit Commendation and the Coast Guard's Special Operations Service Ribbon.

My full testimony on this is at my website (www.tony4yhwh.com ) under “About the Author” and “My Prophetic Navy Experience”. Our personal testimony means the most to us, but I still believe that it is important to pass it on as it is the “testimony of the Saints” that overcomes Satan. It is the living prophetic word in our lives modeling the Patriarchs and all of the testimony in God’s word.

I was just invited and recently my wife and I stayed at a castle in Colorado Springs, CO. We were in the castle on Passover this last weekend and not of our doing they had a red cord outside of our door. We also stayed in Room 206 which has the meaning “God’s Word” in the Biblewheel. It was a Navigators (military ministry) weekend event and I really felt the confirmation with my “My Prophetic Navy Experience” Testimony.

I am anxiously watching through this weekend, but even if it doesn’t happen I believe there are many important dates to be watching and an abundance of reasons to be hopeful for 2008 being the year of the Rapture.

Iron sharpens Iron,


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