Sunday, January 27, 2008

Candlemas & Groundhog's Day: Early Spring for the Bride?

"The serpent will come from the hole
On the brown Day of Bride,
Though there should be three feet of snow
On the flat surface of the ground."

February 2nd/3rd is many holidays in one.

Candlemas: Purification of the Virgin & Presentation of Jesus.

Groundhogs Day: First celebrated in Pennsylvania & New York, weather & early spring prognostication.

Imbloc: Thought to be the Pagan precursor to Groundhogs day. Satan never creates only deceives. See what truth is left here once you carve away his lies. The above poem is from this day.

All three have potential Rapture implications. Here are but a few:

1. 40 days from Christmas (Candlemas)
2. Purification of the Virgin. Those ready are described as such. (Candlemas)
3. Presentation of Jesus. We are a model of Jesus, a presentation of the man-child at the heavenly temple in New Jerusalem (Candlemas)
4. Early Spring or more winter? Doesn’t it seem odd that when the groundhog does not see his shadow because of gloomy conditions it is time for early spring? When it is most gloomy this is when our Savior will finally bring spring. (All 3 have a version of this regarding Spring)
5. This is when the prophet & prophetess, Simeon & Anna saw their Savior in the temple after a long wait. – Luke 2:22-40 (Candlemas)
6. Marks the end of the Epiphany season (Candlemas)
7. On a less serious note, watch the movie Groundhog’s Day w/ Bill Murray. He is doomed to repeat the day (refinement) until he can have a good heart. Unintentionally, rather prophetic. (Groundhog’s Day)
8. Fire and purification are an important aspect of this festival. (Imbloc)
9. The above poem with reference to the serpent and the bride. (Imbloc)
10. The lighting of candles and fires represents the return of warmth and the increasing power of the Sun over the coming months. (Revelation & Sun representing Jesus’ rein). – (Imbloc)
11. Among agrarian peoples, Imbolc has been traditionally associated with the onset of lactation of ewes, soon to give birth to the spring lambs. (Imbloc)
12. In Irish, Imbolc (pronounced im'olk) from the Old Irish, meaning "in the belly" (i mbolg), referring to the pregnancy of ewes, and is also a Celtic term for spring. (Imbloc)



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