Monday, November 19, 2007

Rapture Passengers, fasten your seatbelts!

In summary it is the agreement/resolution from made by the UN after the 6 day war in which Israel took Jerusalem:

It calls for "the establishment of a just and lasting peace in the Middle East" to be achieved by "the application of both the following principles:" "Withdrawal of Israeli armed forces from territories occupied in the recent conflict" (see semantic dispute) and: "Termination of all claims or states of belligerency" and respect for the right of every state in the area to live in peace within secure and recognized boundaries.

40 (I’m not going to reiterate the meaning or importance of 40 here) years from this date here we are about to divide Jerusalem/give it back or away.

I received this note from Doug: Arab League chief Amr Moussa, who visited Damascus this week, said Arab states would come up with a united stand on the conference at a meeting of Arab foreign ministers to be held in Cairo Nov. 22-23.

If you were looking for Jesus to return 40 years from when Israel took Jerusalem, this may be the date since we have already passed the 6 day war dates in June.

There are so many reasons to watch on this date. I have posted them all on fivedoves and is also available at the blog section of my website ( ).

I would watch from November 22nd – 29th (the 29th would be the old Thanksgiving day date & in the model of Tabernacles the 7th day, also it is day 333). I will be flabbergasted if these dates come and go with no major occurrence.

I will be eating my turkey and not taking my normal nap – I’ll be having both eyes open the whole day WATCHING (not just football, but for Jesus)!!! I’m recommending you do the same J

(Yes, it could really happen – it only takes one twinkling of an eye, continue the watch!)

Blessings & YBIC,

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