Wednesday, February 20, 2008

The Judge's Signature

The Judge's Signature

I hope you had a chance last night to “witness” and “watch” the night sky – it was significant. Here is a quick overview:

Full Moon, Total Lunar Eclipse, Blood Red Moon w/ Saturn and Regulus at either side.

Here is an excerpt from the article and then the article itself:

LOS ANGELES — The last total lunar eclipse until 2010 occurs Wednesday night, with cameo appearances by Saturn and the bright star Regulus on either side of the veiled full moon.

Jack Horkheimer, host of the PBS show "Star Gazer," called the event "the moon, the lord of the rings and heart of the lion eclipse."
Wednesday's event will be the last total lunar eclipse until Dec. 20, 2010.,2933,331408,00.html

You can see some great photos at this link:

I have already written quite a bit regarding the moon which would relate to the full moon as well and the Bible, specifically Revelation refers to the significance of a “Blood Red Moon” which we had tonight.

Let me mention a bit about Saturn and Regulus.

The event in the sky last night I believe very may well be like an important signature on a signed legal document.

Saturn is the King Planet and wears the crown (Saturn is most known for its unique rings). It stands for Jehovah or YHWH. Saturn stands for the harvest and the sickle and also the Judge (all info from Wikipedia). When Saturn was first observed by Galileo Galilei in 1610 with his telescope he wrote “The planet Saturn is not alone, but is composed of three.”

Regulus stands for Jesus and is the brightest star in the Leo constellation. Regulus is positioned at the center of Leo’s chest – that’s how Regulus got its name “heart of the lion”.

The process for a legal document after the signing is delivery and carrying the order out. I will be watching intently the next few days to see what might happen. For example the day that this occurred is Adar 14 (as Wade Balzer mentioned in his post) which normally is Purim. This is a leap year and so Adar 14 is called Purim Katan. See how on this date Esther petitioned the king:

Esther 9

13Then said Esther, If it please the king, let it be granted to the Jews which are in Shushan to do to morrow also according unto this day's decree, and let Haman's ten sons be hanged upon the gallows.

Esther 9 discusses Adar 13, 14 & 15 so I would definitely be watching through February 22nd. Also it may be a 30 day notice as Purim is March 21st this year and lands between Palm Sunday and Easter. Also, February 22nd happens to be 153 days after September 22nd 2007 which was Yom Kippur this year (Day of Atonement or Judgment).

Why do you think the King/crown planet and the heart of the Lion would be on either side of the Moon which stands for the Bride?

I believe that it signals that we shall indeed be delivered shortly.

What does Satan think about all of this?

When the Rapture occurs and the antichrist is revealed he knows he has precious little time to work with. He is already working out his plan of deception. Aliens will be the explanation for the missing persons and he will attempt to bring the peoples & governments together to prepare for an alien attack which in fact will be Jesus Christ and his returning saints for the battle of Armegedon.

I love what the founding fathers of the United States stood for and I was in the Navy myself, but I believe this was Satan’s response to the “Signed Document” and approval of the Bride:

SPY-SAT HIT! US officials say the US Navy has successfully hit spy satellite USA 193 with a missile over the Pacific Ocean. "Due to the relatively low altitude of the satellite at the time of the engagement, debris will begin to re-enter the earth’s atmosphere immediately," says the US Dept. of Defense. "Nearly all of the debris will burn up on reentry within 24-48 hours and the remaining debris should re-enter within 40 days."

Watching intently and anxiously awaiting our redemption!



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