Wednesday, May 21, 2008

A Bride Wants to be Married

Passover is critical in that it creates the legal agreement for life vs. death. It does create the “availability” and “bill of clean health” so to speak for the Bride.

But ultimately the Bride does not want to be “Passed over”, she wants to be married.

I believe that 2nd Passover and the account given in 2 Chronicles regarding Hezekiah relates to us today. We are not sinless or ritually prepared or clean in any way. We need Jesus who is our High King and Priest to intercede for us as Hezekiah did and ask Jehovah God our Father to forgive those who are “clean” in our hearts.

YHWH married Israel on Pentecost at Mount Sinai. Moses, in a model of Jesus interceded for them. YHWH’s promise to them then was that if they kept the commandments that they could be a Holy Nation of Kings and Priests. Clearly if they could have kept this promise then they would have fulfilled this promise. If they would have accepted Jesus (a man on a long journey and also a “dead” man relating to the 2nd Passover) they would have fulfilled this as well. Since they did not Jehovah turns His eyes to His elect in the Church. These are not worthy through the commandments and absence of leaven, but instead the 2nd Passover where they are right in their hearts through the touching of the “dead man” Jesus. The Parable of the Prodigal Son and also the Good Samaritan bring this truth to light.

The Feast of Weeks is referred to as a culmination of the experience of redemption ( ).

Pentecost at Mount Sinai is also to be considered the day in which Judaism was born ( ).

The book of Ruth which is read on Pentecost is about marriage and this is what the Bride is really looking for.

Also in the book of Genesis it is after the foreshadowing of Passover (Abraham & Issac) that Abraham sends out his servant (Holy Spirit) to get a bride for his son. Pentecost (marriage) after Passover.

There are lots of good reasons to be hopeful for Pentecost this year!!!



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