Sunday, September 9, 2007

Dream & the number 434

I had a dream last night about my earthly father and a discussion over a river/stream. I woke up at 4:34 a.m. At first I was disappointed as many have seen the 4:44 time.

However I found out that:

434 that stands for “door” and also “Seat of God”.

“Dalet” is the Hebrew and is spelled and numbered:

434 = 4 (D) + 30 (L) + 400 (T)

It directly correlates with the passage in Revelation 4 where there is a vision of an open door in heaven.

It also means,

the Seat or Throne of God, The Lord sitteth King (Ps 29:10),
The judgment, To sanctify,
Thy holy things, Shall be holy,

shall bear a child,

he hath known my name, to keep watch


Just last night I had written about Ezekiel 28:2 and then woke up at 4:34 and this number has the meaning of exactly what I wrote about: Satan being thrown down from heaven. Too much to be coincidence.



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