I really enjoyed your post Jeremiah (see www.fivedoves.com letters July 13th) . I agree that the Exodus, Red Sea, the desert experience and Joshua and the Promised land/Jericho are all great models for our future redemption. Rosh Hashanah from a simple perspective makes the most sense for a time to look for the Rapture. The spring feasts seemingly are fulfilled (but I always anxiously watch through them as well – in hope always looking at the horizon – that is the definition of a watch), we like the Israelites are in the desert experience which is this life and also the summer could be looked at like the desert – hot and unbearable. It’s hard to accomplish much work in the summer.
And yes you are right the fall is where the greatest harvest is. Here in Nebraska I am able to see farmers getting ready. We just recently are into the season where there are lots of “farmers markets” where you can buy fresh sweet corn and other produce, so it’s already started. My father works with farmers and it’s not quite ready to get the big combines out yet. I still drive by the full fields of corn.
In looking at this date I have some things to share for communication and pondering.
I really am intrigued by this date because in my own testimony that I feel God shared with me he has pointed to this time as being significant. YHWH shared with me prophetically during my time in the Navy. He performed a miracle for me in a personal way through the Captain of our ship. I won’t expand on all of it here but you can read my testimony about it at my website (www.tony4yhwh.com). Long story short, I was completely unqualified and through a set of miraculous set of circumstances I was able to serve the Captain. After doing this for some time, towards the end of my military enlistment the Captain recognized me as Sailor of the Quarter. This award took place on the ship’s flight deck and we all had our dress uniforms on and I came to the front as they presented the award and he saluted me as I received the award and saluted back. Needless to say, I was not even qualified for the position, and although I did the best I could to serve him, it certainly was YHWH’s model for unmerited grace and exaltation. Letters were sent home to my family. It was an amazing story, but more important is the prophetic implication. I know that the Captain called me into his direct service in early summer – May/June, so I am always looking at this timeframe. Now I have turned my sights on this Sailor of the Quarter recognition. When I looked at my Navy records I found that this event took place on Saturday, September 30th 1989. This day happened to be Rosh Hashanah. Unbelievable. So I am looking at this date since it seems that YHWH is pointing me towards that date as significant. Although all the intellectual pursuits of looking towards the Rapture are important I believe that the most significant things are those that he speaks deep into our hearts.
September 11th 2001 – the infamous September 11th!!! It happened one week before Rosh Hashanah this particular year. Was YHWH trying to say something? 7 days can be used as a period of time. Was it a warning that 7 days later we wouldn’t want to be around for what would happen on that Rosh Hashanah? The Jews believe that Rosh Hashanah is a day that YHWH gets out the judgment books – the book of life and the book of death (and also those in between). This potentially could point to something significant for Rosh Hashanah 2007 or 2008. I’m interested in ideas on this tie-in…
This year Rosh Hashanah falls on September 13th two days after September 11th, 6 years and two days to be exact. 6 is the number of man and two thousand years is how many years Christ has been separated from the Church. Also Rosh Hashanah begins on September 12th and YHWH could do something significant 6 years to the day as a judgment on man. Also, Rosh Hashanah is dependant on the sighting of the New Moon which gives it some variability and also is what some mention was an idiom referred to Jesus as no one knows the day or the hour.
I believe there is a model/archetype for the rapture to occur on a new moon festival, which Rosh Hashanah is the only major feast to land on a new moon. You can read more about this at my website under Prophetic: David, Saul, Jonathan Rapture Archetype…
All for now…
Sunday, July 15, 2007
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