This day may be an important day in and of itself. It is a great watch day. Also, it is in preparation for Rosh Hashanah, which makes it significant.
Here is a great link for more learning:
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
9th of Av: July 23/24 Watch Day!!!
This is an ominous day in Jewish history. It is called the “Saddest day in Jewish history”…one where they have a fast. It seems that “bad” things happen on this day. It was last year that the Lebanon war broke out against Israel. They are bracing for this to happen again.
In Israel’s history these things have happened on this day:
The first temple was destroyed
The second temple was destroyed
The day Israel lacked faith in the spy’s report of the Promised land and were sentenced by YHWH to wander another 40 years in the desert. The unbelieving generation to die off, except for Joshua and Caleb who were faithful.
The Holocaust remembrance day.
Several other more modern occurrences.
According to Orthodox Judaism
Most in Orthodox Judaism believe that until the arrival of the Jewish Messiah, this day will continue to be observed as a fast; when the Messiah comes, it will become a great celebration.
Other traditions
Classical Jewish sources maintain that the Jewish Messiah will be born on Tisha B'Av, though many explain this idea metaphorically.
Watching intently…
P.S. - lots of stuff on the web for more study...feel free to share any new insights!!!
In Israel’s history these things have happened on this day:
The first temple was destroyed
The second temple was destroyed
The day Israel lacked faith in the spy’s report of the Promised land and were sentenced by YHWH to wander another 40 years in the desert. The unbelieving generation to die off, except for Joshua and Caleb who were faithful.
The Holocaust remembrance day.
Several other more modern occurrences.
According to Orthodox Judaism
Most in Orthodox Judaism believe that until the arrival of the Jewish Messiah, this day will continue to be observed as a fast; when the Messiah comes, it will become a great celebration.
Other traditions
Classical Jewish sources maintain that the Jewish Messiah will be born on Tisha B'Av, though many explain this idea metaphorically.
Watching intently…
P.S. - lots of stuff on the web for more study...feel free to share any new insights!!!
Sunday, July 15, 2007
Setting sights on Rosh Hashanah
I really enjoyed your post Jeremiah (see letters July 13th) . I agree that the Exodus, Red Sea, the desert experience and Joshua and the Promised land/Jericho are all great models for our future redemption. Rosh Hashanah from a simple perspective makes the most sense for a time to look for the Rapture. The spring feasts seemingly are fulfilled (but I always anxiously watch through them as well – in hope always looking at the horizon – that is the definition of a watch), we like the Israelites are in the desert experience which is this life and also the summer could be looked at like the desert – hot and unbearable. It’s hard to accomplish much work in the summer.
And yes you are right the fall is where the greatest harvest is. Here in Nebraska I am able to see farmers getting ready. We just recently are into the season where there are lots of “farmers markets” where you can buy fresh sweet corn and other produce, so it’s already started. My father works with farmers and it’s not quite ready to get the big combines out yet. I still drive by the full fields of corn.
In looking at this date I have some things to share for communication and pondering.
I really am intrigued by this date because in my own testimony that I feel God shared with me he has pointed to this time as being significant. YHWH shared with me prophetically during my time in the Navy. He performed a miracle for me in a personal way through the Captain of our ship. I won’t expand on all of it here but you can read my testimony about it at my website ( Long story short, I was completely unqualified and through a set of miraculous set of circumstances I was able to serve the Captain. After doing this for some time, towards the end of my military enlistment the Captain recognized me as Sailor of the Quarter. This award took place on the ship’s flight deck and we all had our dress uniforms on and I came to the front as they presented the award and he saluted me as I received the award and saluted back. Needless to say, I was not even qualified for the position, and although I did the best I could to serve him, it certainly was YHWH’s model for unmerited grace and exaltation. Letters were sent home to my family. It was an amazing story, but more important is the prophetic implication. I know that the Captain called me into his direct service in early summer – May/June, so I am always looking at this timeframe. Now I have turned my sights on this Sailor of the Quarter recognition. When I looked at my Navy records I found that this event took place on Saturday, September 30th 1989. This day happened to be Rosh Hashanah. Unbelievable. So I am looking at this date since it seems that YHWH is pointing me towards that date as significant. Although all the intellectual pursuits of looking towards the Rapture are important I believe that the most significant things are those that he speaks deep into our hearts.
September 11th 2001 – the infamous September 11th!!! It happened one week before Rosh Hashanah this particular year. Was YHWH trying to say something? 7 days can be used as a period of time. Was it a warning that 7 days later we wouldn’t want to be around for what would happen on that Rosh Hashanah? The Jews believe that Rosh Hashanah is a day that YHWH gets out the judgment books – the book of life and the book of death (and also those in between). This potentially could point to something significant for Rosh Hashanah 2007 or 2008. I’m interested in ideas on this tie-in…
This year Rosh Hashanah falls on September 13th two days after September 11th, 6 years and two days to be exact. 6 is the number of man and two thousand years is how many years Christ has been separated from the Church. Also Rosh Hashanah begins on September 12th and YHWH could do something significant 6 years to the day as a judgment on man. Also, Rosh Hashanah is dependant on the sighting of the New Moon which gives it some variability and also is what some mention was an idiom referred to Jesus as no one knows the day or the hour.
I believe there is a model/archetype for the rapture to occur on a new moon festival, which Rosh Hashanah is the only major feast to land on a new moon. You can read more about this at my website under Prophetic: David, Saul, Jonathan Rapture Archetype…
All for now…
And yes you are right the fall is where the greatest harvest is. Here in Nebraska I am able to see farmers getting ready. We just recently are into the season where there are lots of “farmers markets” where you can buy fresh sweet corn and other produce, so it’s already started. My father works with farmers and it’s not quite ready to get the big combines out yet. I still drive by the full fields of corn.
In looking at this date I have some things to share for communication and pondering.
I really am intrigued by this date because in my own testimony that I feel God shared with me he has pointed to this time as being significant. YHWH shared with me prophetically during my time in the Navy. He performed a miracle for me in a personal way through the Captain of our ship. I won’t expand on all of it here but you can read my testimony about it at my website ( Long story short, I was completely unqualified and through a set of miraculous set of circumstances I was able to serve the Captain. After doing this for some time, towards the end of my military enlistment the Captain recognized me as Sailor of the Quarter. This award took place on the ship’s flight deck and we all had our dress uniforms on and I came to the front as they presented the award and he saluted me as I received the award and saluted back. Needless to say, I was not even qualified for the position, and although I did the best I could to serve him, it certainly was YHWH’s model for unmerited grace and exaltation. Letters were sent home to my family. It was an amazing story, but more important is the prophetic implication. I know that the Captain called me into his direct service in early summer – May/June, so I am always looking at this timeframe. Now I have turned my sights on this Sailor of the Quarter recognition. When I looked at my Navy records I found that this event took place on Saturday, September 30th 1989. This day happened to be Rosh Hashanah. Unbelievable. So I am looking at this date since it seems that YHWH is pointing me towards that date as significant. Although all the intellectual pursuits of looking towards the Rapture are important I believe that the most significant things are those that he speaks deep into our hearts.
September 11th 2001 – the infamous September 11th!!! It happened one week before Rosh Hashanah this particular year. Was YHWH trying to say something? 7 days can be used as a period of time. Was it a warning that 7 days later we wouldn’t want to be around for what would happen on that Rosh Hashanah? The Jews believe that Rosh Hashanah is a day that YHWH gets out the judgment books – the book of life and the book of death (and also those in between). This potentially could point to something significant for Rosh Hashanah 2007 or 2008. I’m interested in ideas on this tie-in…
This year Rosh Hashanah falls on September 13th two days after September 11th, 6 years and two days to be exact. 6 is the number of man and two thousand years is how many years Christ has been separated from the Church. Also Rosh Hashanah begins on September 12th and YHWH could do something significant 6 years to the day as a judgment on man. Also, Rosh Hashanah is dependant on the sighting of the New Moon which gives it some variability and also is what some mention was an idiom referred to Jesus as no one knows the day or the hour.
I believe there is a model/archetype for the rapture to occur on a new moon festival, which Rosh Hashanah is the only major feast to land on a new moon. You can read more about this at my website under Prophetic: David, Saul, Jonathan Rapture Archetype…
All for now…
Thursday, July 12, 2007
September 11th Returns..and the Prodigal Returns Home
July 12, 2007
September 11th Returns
…and a Prodigal returns home
Prodigal Story
My wife and I were recounting exactly what we remember going on in our lives at the time that September 11th happened. I remember very vividly as I had just found Christ and was baptized July 2000 (although he walked beside me my whole life – long story). That I was quite a prodigal, didn’t escape my memory at all.
Somewhere between the years 2000 – 2002 I had hit the pinnacle of my secular career. God had allowed me to obtain all my goals and even surpass them. When I first had some of these opportunities I acknowledged him and he richly blessed me. Along the way I got way off track and pride took over. I remember distinctly someone marveling and asking me how I accomplished what I had at a relatively young age. Unfortunately I remember the scope of my answer “Well I…” and I had lots of reasons for whatever I did. I did not acknowledge God as I should have.
I can remember the day September 11th happened because God allowed me to take my prodigal path. I was moving from one opportunity at the company I was currently working at and moving on to another. As I was heading to this interview the day and events known as September 11th began. Considering these dramatic events secondary, I was going to an interview and on to my next career move. As I was driving on the highway I remember Air Force One flying above me. It struck me at first because I knew I had heard on the radio that all flights had been shut down. It took me a few minutes to realize, living in Omaha/Bellevue Nebraska where Offut Air Force base is located, that this was likely some sort of military flight. Later on the radio identified this plane as Air Force One (I believe, anyway it marked the time for me). I made it to my interview and made the decision to move jobs. During the next year, 2002 I made the most money I have made in my career.
America’s & My Revival
I remember this time (September 11th) as well because I was about two years into my significant and rapid transformation Jesus had me going through. I was drawing from much of my life experience and God was bringing it all home. I was very familiar with the Bible and had read it several times through as well as a significant amount of other supporting material. I also had sowed quite a sinful life and God was changing me, lifting out impurities and refining me by fire. He was “downloading” (to use a term from our dotcom era) a significant amount of “deep” spiritual truths. I knew that I have lived my whole life designed for spiritual warfare, prophecy and end times, and he was putting it all together. As it says in Jeremiah, “I have knit you in the womb…”
During this period of metamorphosis, I was at just about any Church service they had and Evangelizing at every chance. At my new workplace I had a co-worker who was a fellow Christian. He invited me to a prayer group that had just started because of the impact of the September 11th events. I decided to attend and it became a weekly event for myself and various other people at our workplace and others for over three years. I remember going to some September 11th memorial services at Churches – They were filled!!! Many who were there were not even persons, who would consider themselves religious. But with the tragic events, it has a way of showing us all just how human we are and that even in the United States of America we are not untouchable. Many attended Church for a while, but as a whole it would not last.
A Dog Returns to his Vomit
There are two reasons I find myself really thinking deeply about September 11th and I’ll get to the second one below. The first is that I really could not believe, and know that it’s spiritually significant that the United States Senate today opened with a Hindu prayer. From the articles I read this has not happened for the 200 years the Senate has been operating. I also find it interesting that this same day, the Dow Jones Industrial Average hit an all time high. Something is deeply wrong here. With our country Trillions of dollars in debt and virtually all the persons I know really struggling financially, how in Heaven’s name is “consumer confidence high” and the stock market at an all time high???
Our country has left the Churches, and more importantly God. Let me make sure you know which God I’m talking about. This would be the God of the Bible whose son Jesus came and died for our sins and rose again to sit at the right hand of God - And yes he is coming back. I can’t even find anything on the news media that is truly news worthy. Somehow Jerry Springer took over all of television and our news as well. I don’t think it takes a wealth of prophetic insight to see that we have completely forgotten the events of September 11th and what they were supposed to mean to our country, and what God will do to bring us to our senses. Like Israel, we were supposed to be a light to the Nations. Yes, America has done great things through our history “In Jesus’ name”, but also like Israel we are rejecting our Messiah who is coming.
In humility, this reminds me of my “high” before God would bring me crashing down and through a difficult period of refinement.
Prodigal Returns
For some reason God seems to be bringing my life full circle back to some of these events that happened on September 11th 2001. I have been lead to write a letter to the owner of the company I left at that time (see testimony above) letting him know how much I took for granted his kindness and provision. It is my personal “Prodigal letter” and God’s test of faith and courage in my life. Like the Prodigal son, I know I have to face the towering giants in my life and also walk back and ask the Father’s forgiveness hoping he will welcome me back home. It’s so easy when we read it as a Parable in the Gospel of Luke, but to walk it out ourselves it is a very dark, scary and lonesome road.
September 11th and the events that happened that day were a witness to us all. I feel called to write this because I know that I can’t be the only one with this story. Maybe you were a longtime Christian on September 11th, but it is in Hebrews where God’s word says that he disciplines his sons first, and it is in Romans where it says there is no one righteous, not even one. So, we all have a Prodigal story staring back at us from the mirror. What is yours? And are you sure its finished?
The Time is Near
As I see worldwide and personal testimony in harmony signaling the end of this age is upon us, I am compelled to witness. What are we to do? I’ve learned that it’s okay to say “I don’t know”? Only God can tell you in your heart what it is you need to do to walk out your faith. Maybe you are already doing so. I am trying to do the same and God tells us not to forsake the gathering of ourselves together, and we build each other up by sharing trials and testimony.
One of God’ greatest lessons to me is that he is both Sovereign and Love. He is Sovereign meaning that he has a right and the power to rule. He knows and has known about each hair on our head – he is the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end. I also know that he is love. Even when I am destroyed, or at a complete loss he is there with me and directing my steps. Somehow, even though I may not understand, he is lovingly taking me through a situation. I have some very, very difficult things to accept in my testimony and maybe you do too, but I have learned in retrospect how gentle and wise our Loving Father is. I suspect I don’t know the half of it.
The Peg I Hang my Hat on…
About seven years ago I wrote a contract with God. I didn’t even know I was doing it at the time. I was on a business trip to Providence, Rhode Island and on my way back I simply took out a piece of notebook paper. I wrote down and made a commitment in my heart that I would put God first in my life. I had been baptized a few months earlier, but I look at that as the ceremony and this paper as the legal contract. Later on, I realized as God testified into my heart the deep significance of this commitment and now have this paper framed on my wall where I can see it everyday.
It is through this commitment and God’s kind teaching into my heart that He has shown me an important passage in the Bible. It is now one of my favorite passages and I consider it a promise I can “hang my hat on”.
Exodus 21:1-6
1 "These are the laws you are to set before them:
Hebrew Servants
2 "If you buy a Hebrew servant, he is to serve you for six years. But in the seventh year, he shall go free, without paying anything. 3 If he comes alone, he is to go free alone; but if he has a wife when he comes, she is to go with him. 4 If his master gives him a wife and she bears him sons or daughters, the woman and her children shall belong to her master, and only the man shall go free.
5 "But if the servant declares, 'I love my master and my wife and children and do not want to go free,' 6 then his master must take him before the judges. [a] He shall take him to the door or the doorpost and pierce his ear with an awl. Then he will be his servant for life.
In case you didn’t catch the simple math, you serve six full years when you finally come upon the seventh. It has been nearly seven years since I made my personal commitment to God in this contract. Like the loving Father he is, he is willing to let me go free. I can tell you I have no question in my heart that I love my master, my wife and my children and I certainly do not want to go free. I believe that this is one area we have been lead astray by one of the supposed ideals of American Freedom.
There is freedom through submission and not rebellion.
In any close relationship you come to know one another. Familiarity breeds personal insights and sharing idiosyncrasies. I have a lot of personal sayings between God and I. No, I don’t hear God’s audible voice, but I know he knows what I mean when I say “I am putting all my marbles on you Father”.
If you have not already done so, I encourage you to move forward in faith. If you have, please share – Iron Sharpens Iron.
Tony Ellsworth
September 11th Returns
…and a Prodigal returns home
Prodigal Story
My wife and I were recounting exactly what we remember going on in our lives at the time that September 11th happened. I remember very vividly as I had just found Christ and was baptized July 2000 (although he walked beside me my whole life – long story). That I was quite a prodigal, didn’t escape my memory at all.
Somewhere between the years 2000 – 2002 I had hit the pinnacle of my secular career. God had allowed me to obtain all my goals and even surpass them. When I first had some of these opportunities I acknowledged him and he richly blessed me. Along the way I got way off track and pride took over. I remember distinctly someone marveling and asking me how I accomplished what I had at a relatively young age. Unfortunately I remember the scope of my answer “Well I…” and I had lots of reasons for whatever I did. I did not acknowledge God as I should have.
I can remember the day September 11th happened because God allowed me to take my prodigal path. I was moving from one opportunity at the company I was currently working at and moving on to another. As I was heading to this interview the day and events known as September 11th began. Considering these dramatic events secondary, I was going to an interview and on to my next career move. As I was driving on the highway I remember Air Force One flying above me. It struck me at first because I knew I had heard on the radio that all flights had been shut down. It took me a few minutes to realize, living in Omaha/Bellevue Nebraska where Offut Air Force base is located, that this was likely some sort of military flight. Later on the radio identified this plane as Air Force One (I believe, anyway it marked the time for me). I made it to my interview and made the decision to move jobs. During the next year, 2002 I made the most money I have made in my career.
America’s & My Revival
I remember this time (September 11th) as well because I was about two years into my significant and rapid transformation Jesus had me going through. I was drawing from much of my life experience and God was bringing it all home. I was very familiar with the Bible and had read it several times through as well as a significant amount of other supporting material. I also had sowed quite a sinful life and God was changing me, lifting out impurities and refining me by fire. He was “downloading” (to use a term from our dotcom era) a significant amount of “deep” spiritual truths. I knew that I have lived my whole life designed for spiritual warfare, prophecy and end times, and he was putting it all together. As it says in Jeremiah, “I have knit you in the womb…”
During this period of metamorphosis, I was at just about any Church service they had and Evangelizing at every chance. At my new workplace I had a co-worker who was a fellow Christian. He invited me to a prayer group that had just started because of the impact of the September 11th events. I decided to attend and it became a weekly event for myself and various other people at our workplace and others for over three years. I remember going to some September 11th memorial services at Churches – They were filled!!! Many who were there were not even persons, who would consider themselves religious. But with the tragic events, it has a way of showing us all just how human we are and that even in the United States of America we are not untouchable. Many attended Church for a while, but as a whole it would not last.
A Dog Returns to his Vomit
There are two reasons I find myself really thinking deeply about September 11th and I’ll get to the second one below. The first is that I really could not believe, and know that it’s spiritually significant that the United States Senate today opened with a Hindu prayer. From the articles I read this has not happened for the 200 years the Senate has been operating. I also find it interesting that this same day, the Dow Jones Industrial Average hit an all time high. Something is deeply wrong here. With our country Trillions of dollars in debt and virtually all the persons I know really struggling financially, how in Heaven’s name is “consumer confidence high” and the stock market at an all time high???
Our country has left the Churches, and more importantly God. Let me make sure you know which God I’m talking about. This would be the God of the Bible whose son Jesus came and died for our sins and rose again to sit at the right hand of God - And yes he is coming back. I can’t even find anything on the news media that is truly news worthy. Somehow Jerry Springer took over all of television and our news as well. I don’t think it takes a wealth of prophetic insight to see that we have completely forgotten the events of September 11th and what they were supposed to mean to our country, and what God will do to bring us to our senses. Like Israel, we were supposed to be a light to the Nations. Yes, America has done great things through our history “In Jesus’ name”, but also like Israel we are rejecting our Messiah who is coming.
In humility, this reminds me of my “high” before God would bring me crashing down and through a difficult period of refinement.
Prodigal Returns
For some reason God seems to be bringing my life full circle back to some of these events that happened on September 11th 2001. I have been lead to write a letter to the owner of the company I left at that time (see testimony above) letting him know how much I took for granted his kindness and provision. It is my personal “Prodigal letter” and God’s test of faith and courage in my life. Like the Prodigal son, I know I have to face the towering giants in my life and also walk back and ask the Father’s forgiveness hoping he will welcome me back home. It’s so easy when we read it as a Parable in the Gospel of Luke, but to walk it out ourselves it is a very dark, scary and lonesome road.
September 11th and the events that happened that day were a witness to us all. I feel called to write this because I know that I can’t be the only one with this story. Maybe you were a longtime Christian on September 11th, but it is in Hebrews where God’s word says that he disciplines his sons first, and it is in Romans where it says there is no one righteous, not even one. So, we all have a Prodigal story staring back at us from the mirror. What is yours? And are you sure its finished?
The Time is Near
As I see worldwide and personal testimony in harmony signaling the end of this age is upon us, I am compelled to witness. What are we to do? I’ve learned that it’s okay to say “I don’t know”? Only God can tell you in your heart what it is you need to do to walk out your faith. Maybe you are already doing so. I am trying to do the same and God tells us not to forsake the gathering of ourselves together, and we build each other up by sharing trials and testimony.
One of God’ greatest lessons to me is that he is both Sovereign and Love. He is Sovereign meaning that he has a right and the power to rule. He knows and has known about each hair on our head – he is the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end. I also know that he is love. Even when I am destroyed, or at a complete loss he is there with me and directing my steps. Somehow, even though I may not understand, he is lovingly taking me through a situation. I have some very, very difficult things to accept in my testimony and maybe you do too, but I have learned in retrospect how gentle and wise our Loving Father is. I suspect I don’t know the half of it.
The Peg I Hang my Hat on…
About seven years ago I wrote a contract with God. I didn’t even know I was doing it at the time. I was on a business trip to Providence, Rhode Island and on my way back I simply took out a piece of notebook paper. I wrote down and made a commitment in my heart that I would put God first in my life. I had been baptized a few months earlier, but I look at that as the ceremony and this paper as the legal contract. Later on, I realized as God testified into my heart the deep significance of this commitment and now have this paper framed on my wall where I can see it everyday.
It is through this commitment and God’s kind teaching into my heart that He has shown me an important passage in the Bible. It is now one of my favorite passages and I consider it a promise I can “hang my hat on”.
Exodus 21:1-6
1 "These are the laws you are to set before them:
Hebrew Servants
2 "If you buy a Hebrew servant, he is to serve you for six years. But in the seventh year, he shall go free, without paying anything. 3 If he comes alone, he is to go free alone; but if he has a wife when he comes, she is to go with him. 4 If his master gives him a wife and she bears him sons or daughters, the woman and her children shall belong to her master, and only the man shall go free.
5 "But if the servant declares, 'I love my master and my wife and children and do not want to go free,' 6 then his master must take him before the judges. [a] He shall take him to the door or the doorpost and pierce his ear with an awl. Then he will be his servant for life.
In case you didn’t catch the simple math, you serve six full years when you finally come upon the seventh. It has been nearly seven years since I made my personal commitment to God in this contract. Like the loving Father he is, he is willing to let me go free. I can tell you I have no question in my heart that I love my master, my wife and my children and I certainly do not want to go free. I believe that this is one area we have been lead astray by one of the supposed ideals of American Freedom.
There is freedom through submission and not rebellion.
In any close relationship you come to know one another. Familiarity breeds personal insights and sharing idiosyncrasies. I have a lot of personal sayings between God and I. No, I don’t hear God’s audible voice, but I know he knows what I mean when I say “I am putting all my marbles on you Father”.
If you have not already done so, I encourage you to move forward in faith. If you have, please share – Iron Sharpens Iron.
Tony Ellsworth
Monday, July 2, 2007
Five Doves letter: Work and the Rapture
Please reference July letters 2nd postings at
I really found your post very interesting since I’ve felt the same and am currently in a similar situation. About 10 years ago God allowed me to hit a “pinnacle” of corporate America success. After I found out how empty this was along with having my wife leave me I found Jesus. I really found out he had been there the whole time and continue to draw deeply from the life testimony he has given me.
On the day of September 11th, here in Omaha NE where Offut Airforce base is located I still can remember Air Force One flying over with the President as all our lives would change. During this time the company I was working for moved their Corporate Headquarters and management positions to Seattle. I was offered a work from home position. This was perfect timing on God’s part as I was in a battle for my children’s safety from about 10 months. God did keep them safe and I was able to have custody of them. When the custody battle was over, so was this position. Since then I have work for two Christian employers and have had an opportunity to work from home. Many times I have not known how I was going to support my household. It has been like being fed by Ravens as Elijah was. During this time I have built up debt simply to support my family and pay bills, but we have never gone without.
Recently I have really been looking for the Rapture, but out of practicality I have been looking hard for work. Like you Brad, my heart is not really in it, but I need to provide for my family. I have not gotten a specific message. I had been working for my father from home for the last two years. I believe God had me do this to learn how to serve, for us both to work on our relationship, for me to be able to talk with him about Jesus and for me to learn to submit in a close relationship. In April, my father talked with me and told me that he no longer was making enough of an income to support the technical and administrative work I had been doing for him for the last two years. I told him I had no hard feelings and that I understood. I asked for him to turn it all over in prayer. We prayed together and I felt peace surpassing understanding and was especially hopeful for the rapture.
Needless to say, after all the Jewish feasts and other dates we are still waiting. I love reading through Hebrews 11 as I feel a connection. These men and women are looking for the same city I am and seem to know my heart. We are all still waiting and watching. I am not sure what God will do and I have to keep doing the practical things to provide for my family in the meantime. As much as I believe that there will be a day where finally the Rapture will happen and many will be gone in the blink of an eye, I also know he is Sovereign and Love and that his timing is perfect – even if I don’t understand it and feel like I’m wearing thin (that’s an understament!).
I am so grateful John and to all the Doves for the fellowship. I consider fivedoves a church of sorts for Prophecy, the Rapture and End Times events. It’s hard to get this communication and fellowship elsewhere. Thank you so much John, I can’t say how much you are appreciated.
Today might not be the day, but there will be a day and when it does happen we will be singing his praises forevermore!!!
I really found your post very interesting since I’ve felt the same and am currently in a similar situation. About 10 years ago God allowed me to hit a “pinnacle” of corporate America success. After I found out how empty this was along with having my wife leave me I found Jesus. I really found out he had been there the whole time and continue to draw deeply from the life testimony he has given me.
On the day of September 11th, here in Omaha NE where Offut Airforce base is located I still can remember Air Force One flying over with the President as all our lives would change. During this time the company I was working for moved their Corporate Headquarters and management positions to Seattle. I was offered a work from home position. This was perfect timing on God’s part as I was in a battle for my children’s safety from about 10 months. God did keep them safe and I was able to have custody of them. When the custody battle was over, so was this position. Since then I have work for two Christian employers and have had an opportunity to work from home. Many times I have not known how I was going to support my household. It has been like being fed by Ravens as Elijah was. During this time I have built up debt simply to support my family and pay bills, but we have never gone without.
Recently I have really been looking for the Rapture, but out of practicality I have been looking hard for work. Like you Brad, my heart is not really in it, but I need to provide for my family. I have not gotten a specific message. I had been working for my father from home for the last two years. I believe God had me do this to learn how to serve, for us both to work on our relationship, for me to be able to talk with him about Jesus and for me to learn to submit in a close relationship. In April, my father talked with me and told me that he no longer was making enough of an income to support the technical and administrative work I had been doing for him for the last two years. I told him I had no hard feelings and that I understood. I asked for him to turn it all over in prayer. We prayed together and I felt peace surpassing understanding and was especially hopeful for the rapture.
Needless to say, after all the Jewish feasts and other dates we are still waiting. I love reading through Hebrews 11 as I feel a connection. These men and women are looking for the same city I am and seem to know my heart. We are all still waiting and watching. I am not sure what God will do and I have to keep doing the practical things to provide for my family in the meantime. As much as I believe that there will be a day where finally the Rapture will happen and many will be gone in the blink of an eye, I also know he is Sovereign and Love and that his timing is perfect – even if I don’t understand it and feel like I’m wearing thin (that’s an understament!).
I am so grateful John and to all the Doves for the fellowship. I consider fivedoves a church of sorts for Prophecy, the Rapture and End Times events. It’s hard to get this communication and fellowship elsewhere. Thank you so much John, I can’t say how much you are appreciated.
Today might not be the day, but there will be a day and when it does happen we will be singing his praises forevermore!!!
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