Friday, December 22, 2006

Exon Valdez, 17 and The Captain

From a personal One of the reasons I feel so confident that something will happen soon is that it is 17 years from what I feel was “My Prophetic Experience in the Navy.” If you would like to read about it go to:

(Also see the poem “My Captain”, under the about the author section)

This news story happened to come up yet again today.,2933,238311,00.html

It is the continuing saga of the Oil Spill that happened in Alaska, Prince William Sound 17 years ago.

Since, I’ve already written the story I’ll simply point you to it. If you are interested please feel free to read it.

17 is quite a remarkable number (* info from “Numbers in Scripture” by E.W. Bullinger)

Prime number (not divisible by any other number)
7th on the list of prime numbers
Combination of two “perfect” numbers 10 and 7, 7 being spiritual perfection and 10 ordinal perfection

Romans 8:35-39

First we have a series of 7 then a series of 10. The seven are marked off by being put in the form of a question, while the ten are given as the answer to it.

“Who shall separate us from the love of Christ?” Shall
or distress
or persecution
or famine
or nakedness
or peril
or sword

these things we are more than conquerors through Him that loved us. For I am persuaded, that,
Neither death (8)
nor life (9)
nor angels (10)
nor principalities (11)
nor things present (12)
nor things to come (13)
nor powers (14)
nor height (15)
nor depth (16)
10.nor any other creature (17)



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