Saturday, June 21, 2008

$30 Million Moon Prize too small...

Google is offering a prize of $30mm to the 1st two civilian persons to land on the moon. It is called Moon 2.0 join the Revolution. See the video for yourself – it is very “eye opening”.

I’ve written several articles about the moon and its spiritual relevance. God is offering a lot more than a $30mm reward. He is offering eternal life with Him.
Matthew 13:43-45 (New International Version)
43Then the righteous will shine like the sun (the moon reflects the sun) in the kingdom of their Father. He who has ears, let him hear.
The Parables of the Hidden Treasure and the Pearl
44"The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field (night sky & stars). When a man found it, he hid it again, and then in his joy went and sold all he had and bought that field.

45"Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant looking for fine pearls. 46When he found one of great value (moon), he went away and sold everything he had and bought it.



Moon articles at:

Friday, June 20, 2008

The "Midnight Cry" went out...


What is Summer Solstice is the midnight Cry (it happens at midnight)…
Matthew 25:5-7 (King James Version)
5While the bridegroom tarried, they all slumbered and slept.
6And at midnight there was a cry made, Behold, the bridegroom cometh; go ye out to meet him.
7Then all those virgins arose, and trimmed their lamps.
If you put this together with the range of dates I’ve written on in Rapture Empty Hourglass which are June 4th/June 18th – July 20th and these match up with the crop circles Kelly Herman pointed out:

I wrote on the importance of Philadelphia and the Declaration of Independence, the two moon missions Apollo 8 & 11.

It seems we are getting close.

Anxiously Watching…


Crop Circle Commentary

This link relating to my previously written articles: Rapture Hourglass Empty series

Looking at this picture of a crop circle which came from a post by Kelly Herman from

The legal symbol which shows up in the middle of this picture and shows up in the middle of this crop circle
is made up of the cycle of the moon. I have written several articles on the moon & its relation to “judgment” as a stamp or seal.

I think it is interesting that July 4th fall very close to the midpoint between these two dates. Also the Earth and moon are light on the June side and the earth is dark w/ the moon missing on the July or far side.

I can’t say I have much study time on crop circles at all, nor do I know what to make of them, but I am amazed by the relation to what I’ve recently be studying and writing so I thought its worth mentioning.

Anxiously watching…


Full Moon Crop Circle

...this is a very interesting post from relating to the articles Rapture Hourglass Empty



"Stars of the Heaven..."

Apollo 8 vs. Apollo 11: Totally different scenarios (God’s promise to Abraham: “…the stars of heaven…”) Genesis 22,26, 37 & Hebrews 11

Apollo 8: Genesis reading December 24th 1968:
William Anders
"We are now approaching lunar sunrise and, for all the people back on Earth, the crew of Apollo 8 has a message that we would like to send to you.
In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep.
And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters. And God said, Let there be light: and there was light. And God saw the light, that it was good: and God divided the light from the darkness.
Jim Lovell
"And God called the light Day, and the darkness he called Night. And the evening and the morning were the first day. And God said, Let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters, and let it divide the waters from the waters. And God made the firmament, and divided the waters which were under the firmament from the waters which were above the firmament: and it was so.
And God called the firmament Heaven. And the evening and the morning were the second day.
Frank Borman
"And God said, Let the waters under the heavens be gathered together unto one place, and let the dry land appear: and it was so. And God called the dry land Earth; and the gathering together of the waters called he Seas: and God saw that it was good. And from the crew of Apollo 8, we close with good night, good luck, a Merry Christmas – and God bless all of you, all of you on the good Earth."

Apollo 11: July 20th 1969 (…a little over 7 months later):
"That's one small step for (a) man, one giant leap for mankind."
He then took Communion privately. At this time NASA was still fighting a lawsuit brought by atheist Madalyn Murray O'Hair (who had objected to the Apollo 8 crew reading from the Book of Genesis) which demanded that their astronauts refrain from religious activities while in space. As such, Aldrin (an Episcopalian) chose to refrain from directly mentioning this. He had kept the plan quiet (not even mentioning it to his wife) and did not reveal it publicly for several years.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Keep Watching Philadelphian's!


Can you add this to my prior post?

Church of Philadelphia

2008 – 1776 (Declaration of Independence) = 232

232 Gematria

232 + The Word of the Lord + Let there be light! + My Firstborn + Mighty, Strong + Eternal God + It is established forever + I lay (found) in Zion + The writing of God, graven upon the tables. (Ord) + The Blessing + The Memorial + Mighty + The eyes of the Lord thy God + Health + Salt

If you read my series of articles “Rapture: Hourglass Empty” you see a contrast between the faithful 1968 Apollo 8 Genesis reading and the July 1969 Apollo 11 “one giant leap for mankind”. This gives us a window until July 20th, so we should still be on the watch for sure. A good description of the contrast of churches mentioned in Revelation:
To the Church in Philadelphia
7"To the angel of the church in Philadelphia write:
These are the words of him who is holy and true, who holds the key of David. What he opens no one can shut, and what he shuts no one can open. 8I know your deeds. See, I have placed before you an open door that no one can shut. I know that you have little strength, yet you have kept my word and have not denied my name. 9I will make those who are of the synagogue of Satan, who claim to be Jews though they are not, but are liars—I will make them come and fall down at your feet and acknowledge that I have loved you. 10Since you have kept my command to endure patiently, I will also keep you from the hour of trial that is going to come upon the whole world to test those who live on the earth. 11I am coming soon. Hold on to what you have, so that no one will take your crown. 12Him who overcomes I will make a pillar in the temple of my God. Never again will he leave it. I will write on him the name of my God and the name of the city of my God, the new Jerusalem, which is coming down out of heaven from my God; and I will also write on him my new name. 13He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches.

Notice 13 verses just like 13 colonies that signed the “Declaration of Independence”

Notice verse 19 which stands for judgment, where judgement is rendered and it ends at 22 the “separation” number (Lamentations each chapter w/ verses divisible by 11 or 22).
To the Church in Laodicea
14"To the angel of the church in Laodicea write:
These are the words of the Amen, the faithful and true witness, the ruler of God's creation. 15I know your deeds, that you are neither cold nor hot. I wish you were either one or the other! 16So, because you are lukewarm—neither hot nor cold—I am about to spit you out of my mouth. 17You say, 'I am rich; I have acquired wealth and do not need a thing.' But you do not realize that you are wretched, pitiful, poor, blind and naked. 18I counsel you to buy from me gold refined in the fire, so you can become rich; and white clothes to wear, so you can cover your shameful nakedness; and salve to put on your eyes, so you can see. 19Those whom I love I rebuke and discipline. So be earnest, and repent. 20Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with him, and he with me. 21To him who overcomes, I will give the right to sit with me on my throne, just as I overcame and sat down with my Father on his throne. 22He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches."



Keep Watching!!!

I would recommend keeping watch. There are always things progressively that we don’t fully understand that progressively are revealed.

*In the military when I was on watch you would do your best everyday to be fully informed of the possibilities of sea (surface of the earth) and air (spiritual things).

1. For sure we should keep watch all the way until summer. With Pentecost, Full Moon and all the other signs we can never be exactly sure of what Jehovah will do to fulfill His promises. We explain things much better in retrospect.

2. In my writings about the moon relating to the Rapture (Rapture: Empty Hourglass I – IV & Epilogue – ) I did mention that it would be possible to be watching up to July 20th which is when man proclaimed himself “god” on the moon in 1969. That is 19 years ago and 19 stands for judgment. The faithful act was December 24th 1968 and a little more than 7 months later the rebellion took place (much more info in the articles). In the summer between when Pentecost is and Trumpets is the celebration of July 4th. Obviously the United States is who God used (although not fulfilled wholly and we are seeing the downfall…) to preach to the nations. Philadelphia is the “faithful” church that will not see the tribulation and there could be a possibility of fulfillment during the pause and before the July 20th date. I think the United States is on its way from fully passing from the Philadelphian Church to the Laodicean (already very evident and full of corruption).

Ted Porter, I agree that the New Jerusalem could be circular as well. They didn’t have that option on Wikipedia. I’ve written some of my thoughts & hypothesis in my articles.

It is interesting that summer starts at midnight!!!

Thanks to John for keeping the sight which is an encouragement for all watchers! Thanks to all the posters as iron sharpens iron and we desperately need the encouragement down the stretch!



Sunday, June 8, 2008

Golan Heights & the Departure Gate...

Looking at a potential date for the Rapture between June 9th – June 11th (and really up to the coming of summer on June 20th 2008)…

I believe that the Capture and giving back of the Golan Heights may be an important bit of information in regards to timing. The Golan Heights were taken on June 10th 1967.

The Golan Heights are at the southern (slopes) end of Mount Hermon. The peak is notated below:

Picture of Mount Hermon. Mount Hermon means “Mountain of the Chief”:

Mount Hermon served as the Northern boundary of the promised land. It is also known as Seir (Joshua 11:17, 12:1 and 13:5).

The Gospels tell of Jesus and his disciples journeying north from Bethsaida on the Sea of Galilee to the city of Caesarea Philippi at the southern base of Mount Hermon (Matthew 16:13; Mark 8:27). There, Jesus revealed to them his purpose to build his Church and to go to Jerusalem to die and be resurrected (Matt 16:18-21).
Mount Hermon was a possible site of the Transfiguration, where Jesus took three of his disciples, Peter, James, and John, up on a high mountain for prayer. Before their eyes, Jesus was transfigured. He became radiantly white and conversed with Moses and Elijah, who had appeared beside him. The disciples' amazement and fear were further increased, when a voice from Heaven exclaimed, "This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased; hear ye Him!" (Matthew 17:1-8; Mark 9:2-8; Luke 9:29-36).
In the Book of Enoch (1 Enoch 6) in the Deuterocanon, Mount Hermon is the place where the Grigori ("Watcher") class of fallen angels descended to Earth. They swore upon the mountain that they would take wives among the daughters of men and return (see appendix at the end w/ excerpt from the Book of Enoch).
The Golan Heights are referred to as Bashan. There were many battles against the peoples of Bashan
Moses and Joshua had battles against Og the king of Bashan. Also David refers to it in the Psalms…
Psalm 22:11-13 (King James Version)
11Be not far from me; for trouble is near; for there is none to help.
12Many bulls have compassed me: strong bulls of Bashan have beset me round.
13They gaped upon me with their mouths, as a ravening and a roaring lion.
Psalm 68:14-16 (King James Version)
14When the Almighty scattered kings in it, it was white as snow in Salmon.
15The hill of God is as the hill of Bashan; an high hill as the hill of Bashan.
16Why leap ye, ye high hills? this is the hill which God desireth to dwell in; yea, the LORD will dwell in it for ever.
Ezekiel 39:18
Ye shall eat the flesh of the mighty, and drink the blood of the princes of the earth, of rams, of lambs, and of goats, of bullocks, all of them fatlings of Bashan.
…of course there have been many news stories recently about Israel reading to give away the Golan Heights. I can think that Satan would love nothing more. But if this is indeed a “gate” then YHWH may bar Satan from this until after the Rapture.
Appendix: Book of Enoch excerpt mention of Mount Hermon:
In Enoch
Chapter 6:1 it says..
1 And it came to pass when the children of men had multiplied that in those days were born unto them beautiful and comely daughters.
2 And the angels, the children of the heaven, saw and lusted after them, and said to one another: 'Come, let us choose us wives from among the children of men
3 and beget us children.' And Semjaza, who was their leader, said unto them:
In verse 7, it says that there were 200 chiefs on the summit of Mount Hermon, which is located on the border of Lebanon and Syria and stands over 9,000 feet high. They agreed to come to earth and cohabitate with women.
These 200 chiefs were each in charge of tens of thousands of other Watchers. So how many fell with them.We do not know, maybe they all did. That would put the number into the hundreds of thousands that fell from heaven and came to earth.

Chapter 7
1 And all the others together with them (this indicates their armies did follow them) took unto themselves wives, and each chose for himself one, and they began to go in unto them and to defile themselves with them, and they taught them charms
2 and enchantments, and the cutting of roots, and made them acquainted with plants. And they
3 became pregnant, and they bare great giants, whose height was three thousand ells: Who consumed
4 all the acquisitions of men. And when men could no longer sustain them, the giants turned against
5 them and devoured mankind. And they began to sin against birds, and beasts, and reptiles, and
6 fish, and to devour one another's flesh, and drink the blood (cannibalism). Then the earth laid accusation against the lawless ones.

Chapter 8
1 And Azazel taught men to make swords, and knives, and shields, and breastplates, and made known to them the metals of the earth and the art of working them, and bracelets, and ornaments, and the use of antimony, and the beautifying of the eyelids, and all kinds of costly stones, and all
2 colouring tinctures. And there arose much godlessness, and they committed fornication, and they
3 were led astray, and became corrupt in all their ways. Semjaza taught enchantments, and root-cuttings, 'Armaros the resolving of enchantments, Baraqijal (taught) astrology, Kokabel the constellations, Ezeqeel the knowledge of the clouds, Araqiel the signs of the earth, Shamsiel the signs of the sun, and Sariel the course of the moon. And as men perished, they cried, and their cry went up to heaven .

Chapter 9

1 And then Michael, Uriel, Raphael, and Gabriel looked down from heaven and saw much blood being
2 shed upon the earth, and all lawlessness being wrought upon the earth. And they said one to another: The earth made without inhabitant cries the voice of their cryings up to the gates of heaven.
3 And now to you, the holy ones of heaven, the souls of men make their suit, saying, "Bring our cause
4 before the Most High. And they said to the Lord of the ages: Lord of lords, God of gods, King of kings, and God of the ages, the throne of Thy glory (standeth) unto all the generations of the
5 ages, and Thy name holy and glorious and blessed unto all the ages! Thou hast made all things, and power over all things hast Thou: and all things are naked and open in Thy sight, and Thou seest all
6 things, and nothing can hide itself from Thee. Thou seest what Azazel hath done, who hath taught all unrighteousness on earth and revealed the eternal secrets which were (preserved) in heaven, which
7 men were striving to learn: And Semjaza, to whom Thou hast given authority to bear rule over his associates. And they have gone to the daughters of men upon the earth, and have slept with the
9 women, and have defiled themselves, and revealed to them all kinds of sins. And the women have
10 borne giants, and the whole earth has thereby been filled with blood and unrighteousness. And now, behold, the souls of those who have died are crying and making their suit to the gates of heaven, and their lamentations have ascended: and cannot cease because of the lawless deeds which are
11 wrought on the earth. And Thou knowest all things before they come to pass, and Thou seest these things and Thou dost suffer them, and Thou dost not say to us what we are to do to them in regard to these.

Chapter 10

1 Then said the Most High, the Holy and Great One spake, and sent Uriel to the son of Lamech
2 and said to him: Go to Noah and tell him in my name "Hide thyself!" and reveal to him the end that is approaching: that the whole earth will be destroyed, and a deluge is about to come
3 upon the whole earth, and will destroy all that is on it. And now instruct him that he may escape
The following verses and chapters talk about their judgment and confinement, then in chapter 15 Yahweh speaks to Enoch directly, who the Watchers had approached to intercede for them on their behalf ..
Chapter 15
1 And He answered and said to me, and I heard His voice: Fear not, Enoch, thou righteous
2 man and scribe of righteousness: approach hither and hear my voice. And go, say to the Watchers of heaven, who have sent thee to intercede for them: "You should intercede" for men, and not men for you: Wherefore have ye left the high, holy, and eternal heaven, and lain with women, and defiled yourselves with the daughters of men and taken to yourselves wives, and done like the children
4 of earth, and begotten giants (as your) sons? And though ye were holy, spiritual, living the eternal life, you have defiled yourselves with the blood of women, and have begotten (children) with the blood of flesh, and, as the children of men, have lusted after flesh and blood as those also do who die
5 and perish. Therefore have I given them wives also that they might impregnate them, and beget
6 children by them, that thus nothing might be wanting to them on earth. But you were formerly
7 spiritual, living the eternal life, and immortal for all generations of the world. And therefore I have not appointed wives for you; for as for the spiritual ones of the heaven, in heaven is their dwelling.

8 And now, the giants, who are produced from the spirits and flesh, shall be called evil spirits upon
9 the earth, and on the earth shall be their dwelling. Evil spirits have proceeded from their bodies; because they are born from men and from the holy Watchers is their beginning and primal origin;
10 they shall be evil spirits on earth, and evil spirits shall they be called. [As for the spirits of heaven, in heaven shall be their dwelling, but as for the spirits of the earth which were born upon the earth, on the earth shall be their dwelling.]
11 And the spirits of the giants afflict, oppress, destroy, attack, do battle, and work destruction on the earth, and cause trouble: they take no food, but nevertheless
12 hunger and thirst, and cause offences. And these spirits shall rise up against the children of men and against the women, because they have proceeded from them.

Looking towards Pentecost

I realize that Pentecost could be this week June 9th / 10th or it could be June 15th a week from today on Sunday.

Watching the 1st of these two possibilities…

Here is the log of the 6 day war from 1967 the capture of Jerusalem (& Jericho/moon).

June 7 - 10.00 - Israel completes capture of Old City of Jerusalem.
12.15 - Final general retreat ordered for Jordanian forces.
14.25 - Israelis capture Bethlehem.
18.00 - Hebron captured.
19.30 - Jericho captured.
June 8 - 15.20 - Egypt accepts ceasefire.
June 9 - 01.00 - Advance Israeli armour reaches Suez Canal.
11.30 - Israelis begin advance on Syrian lines.
June 10 - 14.30 - Israelis capture Golan town of Kuneitra.
15.00 - Israeli Defense Minister Moshe Dayan meets General Odd Bull of the UN, agrees to a ceasefire by 18.00
June 10th is the 2nd day of Pentecost if the 9/10th is correct. This is the date of the “ceasefire”.
Also June 11th is the 8th day of Sivan. It is also the 163rd day of the year. The Gemetria for 163 is living water. Of course it is the living water that the woman at the well with Jesus is mentioned. This woman a type of “church” and I have written extensively on the importance of wells in spiritual meaning in my article “Wives, Wells & Wormholes (
Biblewheel 163 link:
So I would say that we should be watching all the way through Wednesday…
This day in history for:
June 8th: “prophet” Mohammed died, Allies invade Syria & Lebanon, USS Liberty incident during 1967 6 day war Israel accidentally attacks U.S. ship, World Ocean Day, multiple tornado events, Tony Blair 3rd term,
June 9th: Roman Emperor Nero commits suicide, 1st trans Pacific flight every by “Southern Cross”, Israel captures the Golan Heights in 6 day war, Secretariat wins the Triple Crown
June 10th: Tripolitan War (U.S. vs. Barbary states, pirates, Ottoman Empire), end of 6 day war, “Affirmed” won the Triple Crown, First Barbary war treaty, American-Mexican war – California declares independence, Spirit Rover is launched beginning NASA’s Mars exploration
June 11th: Continental Congress appoints Jefferson, Adams & Franklin among others to draft the Declaration of Independence, 6.9 Richter scale earthquake in Iran, Sir Barton wins 1st ever Triple Crown, Seattle Slew 1977 wins Triple Crown, Cease fire for 6 day war signed increasing Israel’s territory by a factor of 3
*additional note: On June 19, 1967, the National Unity Government [of Israel] voted unanimously to return the Sinai to Egypt and the Golan Heights to Syria in return for peace agreements.
The June 19 Israeli cabinet decision did not include the Gaza Strip, and left open the possibility of Israel permanently acquiring parts of the West Bank. On June 25-27, Israel incorporated East Jerusalem together with areas of the West Bank to the north and south into Jerusalem's new municipal boundaries
The aftermath of the war is also of religious significance. Under Jordanian rule, Jews and many Christians[127] were forbidden from entering the Old City of Jerusalem, which included the Western Wall, Judaism's holiest site. Jewish sites were not maintained, and their cemeteries had been desecrated. After the annexation to Israel, each religious group was granted administration over their holy sites. Despite the Temple Mount's importance in Jewish tradition, the al-Aqsa Mosque is under sole administration of a Muslim Waqf, and Jews are barred from conducting services there

First day of summer is June 20th this year so we could be waiting up to the last day as the return of this land could be a “marker”.

Further: The 1967 War also laid the foundation for future discord in the region - as on November 22, 1967, the UN Security Council adopted Resolution 242, the "land for peace" formula, which called for Israeli withdrawal "from territories occupied" in 1967 in return for "the termination of all claims or states of belligerency."


Lots to be Hopeful for...

Well Big Brown did not win the Triple Crown yesterday, but there is a still lot to watch and be hopeful for.

Da’ Tara was the winner. Tara means “high hill” and “star”. Also, Terra is “goddess of the earth”

I am looking at Monday when Venus goes behind the Sun. The Sun stands for “God” or “Jesus”. Venus is a “type” of Satan. Venus is also Aphrodite – goddess of beauty.

Also there is a triangle conjunction w/ the moon, Regulus and Saturn between Sunday and Monday during this time. Saturn wears the “crown” or “ring” and also its ring is known as a sickle. Saturn is also said to regulate “time”. Regulus is in Leo, Lion of Judah – Jesus.

HEAVENLY TRIANGLE: Ringed planet. First-magnitude star. Crescent moon. Add them all together and you get a heavenly triangle visible tonight. Look up after sunset for Saturn, Regulus and the Moon in scalene formation: sky map.

Venus was associated with Taurus the bull (Big Brown). Taurus represents judgment. The triangular formation of Regulus, Saturn and the moon and the movement of Venus behind the Sun may denote judgment.

What was interesting is that Big Brown, the prohibitive favorite going into the race (the horse 2nd to Big Brown had to be withdrawn from the race) not only didn’t make 1st but came in last.

This reminds me of the biblical concept:

“the first shall be last and the last first…”

And Saturday is when Hillary Clinton finally endorsed Senator Obama. This is no small happening. I wrote a blog on him when he first announced his run for President.

And really we don’t need all of this since its obvious that either June 9th/10th or June 15th (from the best we can tell) is Pentecost or Shavuot and that has enough reasons in and of itself to be hopeful and watchful…



Saturday, June 7, 2008

Triple Crown & Gemini

Triple Crown & Gemini

I believe this may give us some prophetic insight into what may soon take place: the Rapture of God’s’ elect

It is obvious in Revelation and other places in the Bible the importance of a crown.

Referencing the Gospel in the Stars we are in the time of Gemini which itself portrays a marriage in the heavens. This goes hand in hand with Pentecost which also denotes marriage.

The Gemini couple are said to preside over public games particularly where horses are concerned.

“We have two youthful looking and most beautiful figures peacefully sitting together, with their feet resting on the Milky Way. Their heads lean against each other in a loving attitude. The one holds a great club in his right hand, whilst his left is clasped around the body of his companion. The other holds a harp in one hand and a bow and arrow in the other…The picture looks like a readiness for warlike action, but at the same time like a joyful repose after a great victory already gained.

*much, much more in the book “Gospel of the Stars” by Joseph A. Seiss that point to this month as special and relating to the “marriage” and the rapture.

The Triple Crown is won by a horse winning 3 horse races: The Kentucky Derby, Preakness & the Belmont Stakes (running today).

There has not been a Triple Crown winner in 30 years (Jesus started his ministry at 30)

The last winner was in 1978 and was named “Affirmed”.

Big Brown who won the 1st two races is trying to become the 12th Triple Crown winner in history (12 denotes government in the bible)

The last close attempt was 10 years ago when a horse name “Real Quiet” (like a “thief in the night”) won the 1st two races but lost the last by a “nose” (1998)

The same jockey rides Big Brown today in the hopes of completing what he missed out on “by a nose” in 1998.

“Charismatic” lost out in 1999 by breaking a leg down the stretch…

So what does “Big Brown” have to do with God? Well my own personal take is that the races started in May. The symbol for this month which had 2nd Passover in it is Judgment which is represented by a Bull or better described by the Bible as a Reem or Mighty Ox. I think of it as a Buffalo since I’m here in the Midwest.

I think there are some very interesting names in the list of historical “Triple Crown” winners:

Including “Whirlaway” (reminds you of Rapture doesn’t it???). And winners in 1948 (when Israel became a nation) and in 1973 (the year of the Yom Kippur War). Notice 1948 is named “Citation” as in certified as a country and in 1973 it was one of the most famous of all times “Secretariat” as in “witnessed” and “noted or written down”. Also, we have seen how 2007 & 2008 have many “tie ins” regarding the Rapture and the last winners were 1977 & 1978

U.S. Triple Crown Winners
Year Winner Jockey Trainer Owner
1919 Sir Barton
Johnny Loftus
H. Guy Bedwell
J. K. L. Ross

1930 Gallant Fox
Earl Sande
Jim Fitzsimmons
Belair Stud

1935 Omaha
Willie Saunders
Jim Fitzsimmons
Belair Stud

1937 War Admiral
Charley Kurtsinger
George Conway
Samuel D. Riddle

1941 Whirlaway
Eddie Arcaro
Ben A. Jones
Calumet Farm

1943 Count Fleet
Johnny Longden
G. Donald Cameron
Fannie Hertz

1946 Assault
Warren Mehrtens
Max Hirsch
King Ranch

1948 Citation
Eddie Arcaro
Horace A. Jones
Calumet Farm

1973 Secretariat
Ron Turcotte
Lucien Laurin
Meadow Stable

1977 Seattle Slew
Jean Cruguet
William H. Turner, Jr.
Karen L. Taylor

1978 Affirmed
Steve Cauthen
Laz Barrera
Harbor View Farm

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Rapture: Empty Hourglass III

Rapture: Empty Hourglass III

Jericho: June 7th

References: Rapture: Empty Hourglass I & II (II a.k.a. June 4th Rapture)

Please reference the prior two documents which are at my listed at my website ( and also at

Continuing the focusing of my “watch” binoculars, this seems to be coming to focus. I was in the military and understand the meaning of “need to know only” info. It is quite progressive in nature. Nonetheless, that is the environment of a “watch” and one must report as you see…


Prior reference:

Given (above reference): 14,400 days (360 biblical years X 40)
December 23rd 1968, The Apollo 8 reading of Genesis
+ 14,400 days
= May 28, 2008

+ 7 days and the last trumpet and shout
= June 4th 2008

The six day war seems to be a “model” and very relevant to this timeline. Both Jerusalem and Jericho were captured during the 1967, six day war. Jericho again means moon and you will have to read the prior documents to reference the full meaning.

Here is a log of these events of the Six day war concerning Jerusalem & Jericho:

June 5 07.45 - Israel launches a preemptive airstrike, hitting Egyptian air bases and destroying the bulk of the Egyptian air force.
June 6 Israeli troops continue to advance in the Sinai.
03.00 - Israeli troops capture the Latrun police fort on the edge of the West Bank; other troops cut the Jerusalem- Ramallah road.
06.15 - Israeli paratroops capture Jordanian outpost of Ammunition Hill in north Jerusalem, after fierce hand-to-hand fighting.
13.00 - Ramallah and Jenin surrender to the Israelis. Capture of Gaza Strip completed.
17.20 - Qalqilya captured.
20.00 - General retreat ordered for the Egyptian army.
24.00 - General retreat ordered for Jordanian Arab Legion.
June 7 - 10.00 - Israel completes capture of Old City of Jerusalem.
12.15 - Final general retreat ordered for Jordanian forces.
14.25 - Israelis capture Bethlehem.
18.00 - Hebron captured.
19.30 - Jericho captured.
June 8 - 15.20 - Egypt accepts ceasefire

You can see that it is June 7th that both the physical Jerusalem and the physical model, Jericho (moon) of the heavenly Jerusalem (remember Joshua and the 1st city captured in the Promised land which is Jericho which means “moon”).

Now lets go back and finish our Rapture “day count”

Given (above reference): 14,400 days (360 biblical years X 40)
December 23rd 1968, The Apollo 8 reading of Genesis
+ 14,400 days
= May 28, 2008

+ 7 days and the last trumpet and shout
= June 4th 2008

So the barrier or “walls” are down on June 4th (must be spiritual barrier)

June 5th the “Egyptian Air Force” is wiped out

By June 7th Jerusalem & Jericho are both captured.

In my over anxious anticipation of the Rapture when I was given the day count from December 24th 1968 I didn’t know completely what to do with it. Adding to this the 7 days for the marching of Joshua and then also it looks like 3 more days to enter and capture the city. We may be a type of “Rahab” with the red cord in which we need rescuing by Joshua (Jesus).

I also believe there is another clue in the signs of the sky. Venus is a type of “Satan”. Venus will be completely behind the Sun (standing for God) on Monday the 9th. Monday is “moon” day.

(thanks to Friedrich Wenz for pointing this out…)
FULL VENUS: On June 9th, Venus will pass directly behind the sun--an event astronomers call "superior conjunction." Sun-blocking coronagraphs onboard the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO) are monitoring Venus as it disappears into the glare:

Too bad we can't peek around the sun's limb on June 9th to see Venus on the other side. Like the Moon, Venus has phases and on June 9th the planet will be gloriously full. The entire hemisphere facing Earth will be illuminated. Venus's acid-laced clouds are terrific reflectors and a full Venus would surely be visible during daylight hours, an intense pinprick of light in the blue sky. If only the sun were not in the way....

8 Bells is 4 a.m.

Expert: Capt Lou
Date: 1/4/2007
Subject: Shipboard time...

Capt. Lou:
How is shipboard time calculated?
You're always hearing (in movies and TV shows) some naval officer calling an officers meeting at "seven bells"...or some sailor testifying that he was on watch from "two to six bells". And I've just always wondered how "bell time" aboard ship is computed.
Any info you could share is greatly appreciated.
Warm regards,
David Gardner

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Going as far back as the days Christopher Columbus sailed to America, a bell was used to sound the time onboard a ship. I am told that time in those days was kept with an hourglass. Every half hour, the timekeeper would ring the bell. It was important for the ship's captain and crew to know the time, so that they could share the duties of sailling the ship. A crew's shift would last 4 hours, so a 24 hour day could have been divided into into six shifts, but in order to have the 6 shifts work different time periods during the day, (so that the same crew didn't work the same time every day, like every night or at dinner time) the work day was divided into 7 time periods for the 6 different crews, with two of the 7 time periods each lasting only two hours. So, what you ended up with was 5 four hour shifts and 2 two hour shifts. The 2 two hour shifts were called the "dog watches" and occurred each day the same time between 6 - 10PM. This way, each of the 6 crews worked a different 4 hour time period each day.

Here is a typical schedule a ship's crew would follow:
Shift 1 - Midnight to 4 AM (0000 - 0400)
Shift 2 - 4 AM to 8 AM (0400 - 0800)
Shift 3 - 8 AM to noon (0800 - 1200)
Shift 4 - Noon to 4 PM (1200 - 1600)
Shift 5 - First Dog Watch 4 PM to 6 PM (1600 - 1800)
Shift 6 - Second Dog Watch 6 PM to 8 PM (1800 - 2000)
Shift 1 - 8 PM to Midnight (2000 - 0000)
Shift 2 - Midnight to 4 AM
(See how each shift would work a different time during the day)

Now, I think you will understand how the bells worked. The bells were struck every half-hour, with a maximum of eight bells. For instance, the first shift starting at midnight would hear the the following bells:
12:30 AM - 1 bell
1:00 AM - 2 bells
1:30 AM - 3 bells
2:00 AM - 4 bells
2:30 AM - 5 bells
3:00 AM - 6 bells
3:30 AM - 7 bells
4:00 AM - 8 bells

At eight bells your watch was over! All other 4 hour watches followed this same procedure except the Dog Watches.
At the end of the First Dog Watch, only four bells were struck. The second Dog Watch bells were rung like the first Dog Watch, starting at 1 bell, but at the end of the second Dog Watch shift, 8 bells were struck.

That was the way it was done right up until 1915. Then a new law was passed and all U.S. Merchant vessels over 100 gross tons had to divide their crews into three shifts, working four hours on and eight hours off. This routine turned the 2 dog watches into 1 evening watch.

OK? I hear 8 bells ringing, so I have to sign off!

Capt Lou

8 Bells

What event caused the requirement for the Captain of a US Navy ship to
give permission before the striking of eight bells?
- It is related to an attempted mutiny on a US sailing vessel in the early 1800's.

- The signal to mutiny was the sounding of eight bells. The attempted
mutiny was discovered and thwarted.

- Since then the Captains permission is required to sound eight bells,
an indication all is well at the end of the watch.

Steve Shackleton, I have significant testimony in the Navy regarding the Captain & watch. Also I’ve been following the “Triple Crown” and have had other fivedoves posts on this.

This Saturday “Big Brown” is going for the 1st Triple Crown in 30 years.

I appreciated your post!



Monday, June 2, 2008

Left Behind?: Rapture Basics

Great sermon on what I would call the Rapture Basics

click on May 25th sermon called: Prophecy Update Signs in the Heavens

Hope this helps!




He may be right, the Rapture could happen. Interesting word choice…

Iran's Ahmadinejad says Israel will "disappear" –
Iran's president said on Monday Israel would soon disappear off the map and that the "satanic power" of the United States faced destruction, in his latest verbal attack on the Islamic Republic's arch-foes.

President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad was speaking at a gathering of foreign guests marking this week's 19th anniversary of the death of Iran's late revolutionary leader, Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, in 1989, the official IRNA news agency said.

"You should know that the criminal and terrorist Zionist regime which has 60 years of plundering, aggression and crimes in its file has reached the end of its work and will soon disappear off the geographical scene," he said.

Turning to the United States, he said the era of decline and destruction of its "satanic power" had begun and added: "The bell on the countdown of the destruction of the empire of power and wealth has begun to ring."

My Fathers

My Fathers

* Personal testimony in regards to the June Rapture of 2008. Companion testimony to other writings: “Rapture Empty Hourglass I & II” and “My Prophetic Navy Experience”.


I’ve written testimony telling a story which is at my website ( called “My Prophetic Experience in the Navy”. Warmly I like to simply call it “My Captain Story”. This experience which I know with all my heart is a prophetic vision has been the basis for all my biblical knowledge and has been what ultimately has led me to firmly believe in God’s Sovereignty and Love.

This testimony happened in 1989 during my service in the U.S. Navy. It came in a very, very difficult time in my life. Recently I’ve written about the earthly Jerusalem and Heavenly Jerusalem which has to do with the years:

• 1967 – Israel’s recapture of Jerusalem
• 1968 – the Apollo 8 Genesis reading on December 24th
• 1969 – the Apollo 11 man on the moon

I was born in 1969 so all this was happening just as I was born. The Apollo 8 Genesis reading mission happened on Christmas Eve just at the end of 1968. A commemorative stamp was issued on behalf of this on May 5th 1969 which was my birthday.

I’ve learned these years have a prophetic connection to both earthly & Heavenly Jerusalem:

1987 1988 1989 2007 2008 2009
2 years 1967 physical 20 21 22 40 41 42
stands for 1968 spiritual 19 20 21 39 40 41
2,000 years 1969 judgment 18 19 20 38 39 40

Within a short time at the end of May 2008 God gave me two visions. One personal & one theological.

In two separate writings titled: “Rapture: Empty Hourglass I & II” I wrote all of the theological and news information leading me to a Rapture date of June 4th 2008.

The heart wins over the mind and to me there is nothing like personal testimony. Although solid theological foundation is needed – “a two strand cord that is not easily broken.” The personal testimony God gave me is 3 separate visions or testimony in my life all taking place in the month of June in the years 1987,1988 & 1989

It was only recently that I became fully aware that God had shown me not one vision via testimony, but three is successive years all in the same month – June.


My Fathers


I was baptized as a baby Catholic which was my mother’s background. My father was Presbyterian, but deferred to keep our family all the same faith. Later in the early 70’s when I was 2 – 4 years old some Jehovah’s Witnesses stopped by. My mother took their message to heart. They had come proclaiming the “end of the world system” and the “coming tribulation”. They said this would take place in 1975. My mother and father took notice and action both of them becoming Jehovah’s Witnesses.

Even though I am no longer a Jehovah’s Witness I am grateful for this happening. I consider it Providential. My mother did a fine job teaching me God’s word and giving me a firm biblical background. My father, though not interested in deep theological things like my mother had a kind, giving and forgiving heart. He also passed on to me the ways of farming, ecology and agriculture. He is an estate planning attorney that works primarily with rural persons and small business owners. He has a great interest in life insurance, estate planning, farming and the environment. By Providence God knew how all of this was critical to my development for what he’d planted in my heart to do.

So here I am today writing about end times, prophecy and anxiously awaiting the Rapture. The Jehovah’s Witnesses do not believe in a Rapture. But even so, naysayers would say that I’ve simply become a product of my childhood. And they are right, but not in the way they think they are. This all reminds me of Jeremiah. Let me just quote an excerpt:

Jeremiah 1
The Call of Jeremiah
4Now the word of the LORD came to me, saying,
5(I) "Before I formed you in the womb I knew you,and before you were born(J) I consecrated you;I appointed you a prophet(K) to the nations."
6Then I said, "Ah, Lord GOD! Behold,(L) I do not know how to speak,(M) for I am only a youth." 7But the LORD said to me,

"Do not say, 'I am only a youth';for to all to whom I send you, you shall go,and(N) whatever I command you, you shall speak. 8(O) Do not be afraid of them,(P) for I am with you to deliver you,
declares the LORD."
9(Q) Then the LORD put out his hand and(R) touched my mouth. And the LORD said to me,

"Behold, I have put(S) my words in your mouth. 10See, I have set you this day(T) over nations and over kingdoms,(U) to pluck up and to break down,to destroy and to overthrow,to build and to plant."
11And the word of the LORD came to me, saying,(V) "Jeremiah, what do you see?" And I said, "I see an almond[a] branch." 12Then the LORD said to me, "You have seen well, for I am watching over my word to perform it."
I make no claim to audibly hear the voice of God and I’m no reincarnation of Jeremiah. But I see his testimony in God’s word and I feel his heart. I believe in all my heart in God’s Sovereignty and Love directing every step of my life so I have no reason to question, fear or be ashamed of my background.
And so I continually step out in faith and risk covered by prayer and grace…
June 1987

When I was in my early teen years I was baptized as a Jehovah’s Witness. I believed in Jehovah God with all my heart and wanted to make my family and the elders proud of me. They were encouraging baptism and I made good on this encouragement. Only a few years later I would begin to get “off track”. I began questioning things and rebellion was in my heart. I was “disfellowshipped” from the Jehovah’s Witnesses. I suspect my parents were already growing apart, but this added to their division. My mother was deeply spiritual and an avid Jehovah’s Witness. My father was providing for his family and really still had a mainline Christianity background. They divorced towards the end of my Senior year of High School.

In this same time I had signed up for the Navy, but would have to wait another 9 – 10 months to leave for bootcamp. Our home in the country was sold. My mom had left with my two younger sisters and my other sister and I remained with my father. At this point I felt fairly orphaned as my father was trying to pick up his own pieces. To be clear, I do not blame either of my parents and I’m 39 years old now and have been through a failed marriage and divorce myself. I am simply setting the framework for what happened in my life.

I was always close and looked up to my Grandparents. I was close to my mom’s dad and on my father’s side I was close to Grammy & Grampy as we called them. My Grandfather was a small business owner of a company called Briggs Pump. They are a middle man supplier for plumbing and agricultural irrigation products. My Grandmother was always a treat as she cooked, took us shopping or just had fun with us in one way or another. They had a wonderful house outside of Omaha on a crystal clear and sand based lake called Ginger Cove. We had all our great holiday feasts there and I have many, many fond memories. I had an “Uncle” that smoked a pipe and I still love the smell of pipe tobacco to this day (although I’m not a smoker myself anymore). There home was full of joy and laughter all of my childhood.

I forget how I found out but I had a Great Uncle I had never met that lived up in Illinois. He was 100 years old! He heard of my troubles and decided to pay for my way on the “Ellsworth” fishing trip. This was a trip for men (although my Grandfather’s brother Bill had his wife Rae on the trip I went on. I’m not sure how they worked that). This was an annual trip up to Canada to a lake there were no roads to. You had to fly there by sea plane and land on the water. Needless to say it was remote (which also made it expensive I’m sure). I have never and will never forget this kind hearted gesture by my Uncle Harry. He had never seen me and didn’t know me. Further my family was in trouble and I had been in plenty myself. It wasn’t like I had earned a reward! But his grace, kindness and gentle spirit even though I’d never seen him reached out to me.

I left on this trip with my Grandfather and we joined with some other relatives in Des Moines, IA and drove up together to the Canadian border and beyond. I don’t remember our conversation or any specifics. I remember the plane ride which was quite a bit different than a commercial flight on a 747 or something similar. It really was quite a thrill!

When we arrived we stayed in a cabin and we had meals together around a table. Each day we went fishing. The guides would take us in a boat and show us where the best fishing was and we always pulled in quite a load. At lunch time they would take us to an island and they would make a fire and cook us fresh fish with some sides they brought along. Truth be told, I’m not much of an avid fisherman and also I was so spoiled by that fishing trip I haven’t done much more since.

But I’ll never forget my time there. I simply think of it as my “fathers”. Many pictures were taken, but someone got a rather large picture of all of us around the dinner table together in the cabin (12 X 18). I had to get a custom frame made for it. It hangs on my wall and often as I look at it I get lost in the memory of how special it was.

After the trip was over my father sold the house we had lived in and he, my sister Sarah and I moved to Ginger Cove with my Grandparents. I went to work with my Grandfather at Briggs Pump biding the time until I left for the Navy. It was a great time sharing with my Grandfather as he had been in the Navy as well. It was during this time that my Grandfather retired from Briggs and they gave him a special ring which I wrote more about in my Captain’s Story (My Prophetic Navy Experience). I’ll let you read more about it there.

June 1988

At this point I had been in the Navy since March 1, 1988 my date of active duty enlistment. I finished boot camp and basic Seamanship school. I came home from all of this which took place in Great Lakes, MI in June of 1988.
Towards the end of my leave (military for vacation time) I got a call from my mom letting me know she wanted to see me. I supposed that she wanted to see me and also wish me well as I went off to my Military Assignment.

I got to my mom’s and it wasn’t anything I expected. I wasn’t in the least bit prepared. As I wrote you before my mom is a Jehovah’s Witness. I had been “disfellowshipped” many years beforehand. Within the last year my parents had gotten divorced and my two younger sisters were staying with my mom, while my sister Sarah and I (I am the oldest) stayed with my father at my grandparents. Obviously once I was in the Navy I was somewhat “removed” from all of it. All this background led to some “ill” feelings.

My mom in her beliefs through the Jehovah’s Witnesses got her bible out and read to me. I can’t remember what verse but the idea was that I was “in sin” and as such she could no longer have a direct relationship with me. I tried to speak my feelings, but was not able to. She did bring me my two sisters to say “goodbye” as they were still in the Jehovah’s Witnesses. And then the door was shut.

I immediately collapsed in a heap outside her apartment door and just cried. At some point I made it to my car and cried more and eventually to my Grandfather’s house (her father, who I was also very close to – he since has passed away but was a devout Catholic). I buried my head in his chest, cried and told him all of what happened.

Again, this story is not a shot at my mother. For one, I don’t blame the Jehovah’s Witnesses or my mother’s beliefs. She is a very courageous woman who has overcome a lot of her past. Her and I were displaced since this day until about 2004. I had been through quite a bit of counseling and had written her a letter about my feelings regarding the divorce and this days happenings. I told her I forgave her and that I had been through my own divorce. I also told her that I knew God was with me the whole time – and He was.

My mom not only took the letter, but after I ignored calls from her she came to my house. My children let her in and before I could procrastinate the situation I was sitting on my living room couch with my mom. She just listened as I basically spoke the same words I had put in my letter. She let me pray over it and release it. It took some time after this but my mom watches my children and they have a wonderful Grandmother. My kids are also close with her husband Jeff and I have respect for him.

The Spiritual, rules over the emotional, which rules over logic which rules over the practical. All this was by God’s Sovereignty and Love and there is no need for bitterness. It is my very own Joseph like story between my mom & I. Though it was hard I love her and I know she loves me.

But back to the story…even though this has a good outcome 16 years later it was a deeply difficult time for me. After this I said my goodbyes to family left on a jet for San Diego. I hadn’t been much out of Nebraska only car trips to Denver Colorado with my mom where we had relatives.

I arrived in San Diego where I was met by two men in their Navy whites. I carried my bags over my back which was quite a load. We got into a white Navy van and I sat in the back. The two men finally said “do you know where you are going?” To which I said “USS Fort McHenry” as those were my orders. Keep in mind I hadn’t seen much outside farmland and the foothills of the mountains of Colorado. These men said to me “you are going on West Pac – 6 months out to sea”. “I don’t believe you” I said. Probably because I didn’t want to believe them. I figured I was the new guy and I knew that I would likely be the brunt of many jokes and was prepared for them.

We got to the base and it was late in the night. It all was overwhelming and very intimidating. All the ships, the military base and the massive black ocean. Totally scary to someone having been through what I’d been through and as naïve to the world as I was. Like they say “were not in Kansas anymore…”

After the van stopped I again hauled all my bags on my back (I got no sympathy or help). I stood at the base of this massive ship which was moored off of a very large dock. There was what is called a gangplank which is a temporary bridge with which to walk up from the pier to the quarterdeck or entry point of the ship. It was very intimidating and fairly narrow and made of aluminum like metal. As I was walking with my bags strapped to my back I felt like I could fall into the sea at any time.

Finally I made it up yet I was totally lost and amidst strangers. I was led through what seemed a myriad of passageways and ladders (stairs) to my quarters. In my quarters were other men obviously all strangers to me.

The next morning I awoke early and we reported to quarters on the flight deck of the ship. Luckily, the Chief felt sorry for me as no one was allowed to go to the pier to make phone calls home. The Chief made an exception for me and I called home to my father. “I’m going overseas for six months I told him. I don’t know the details or when I’ll be able to phone home next.” To which I received silence. I don’t think my dad knew what to say. He had never been in the military himself and he was thousands of miles away. What could he say or do???

I was off on an unknown journey…


This is My Captain story. If you have enjoyed this so far, this is a great conclusion to everything leading up to this point. One of the very great parts of the story takes place in June of 1989. Take a look at my website ( ) for the story called “My Prophetic Navy Experience”. I hope you’ll enjoy it!!!

3 years, 3 visions. I could write books on all the spiritual meaning; moral, practical, prophetic, etc. that these three years gave me. When I felt orphaned God took me in His loving hand and in His Sovereignty He taught me a lifetime worth of lessons and gave me a foundation that could never be broken.

I’ve learned there is freedom through submission and not rebellion. I am forever grateful to our Heavenly Father who so tenderly loves and cares for us.



Hebrews 5:7-9
7During the days of Jesus' life on earth, he offered up prayers and petitions with loud cries and tears to the one who could save him from death, and he was heard because of his reverent submission. 8Although he was a son, he learned obedience from what he suffered 9and, once made perfect, he became the source of eternal salvation for all who obey him

Wives, Wells & Wormholes

Wives, Wells & Wormholes

Abraham is clearly a special man even among the kings and patriarchs. Scripture having at least 3 layers (historic, moral and prophetic), we take a look into the “archetypes” that the wife-sister narratives in Genesis.

At times we may feel small and insignificant especially compared to an Almighty Creator who is Sovereign over the entire Universe. One thing to remember is that with God it is “a family affair”. Angels were created like “sons” and with that came the rebellion of one son – Satan. Also, with his son Jesus came the redemption of mankind foretold before the beginning of the world.

In Revelation 21 God promises the one who overcomes the opportunity to be a son. We also have the promise to become a bride. These are the two terms God has referred to Israel, as a wife or as a son. I think we can feel these things “deep down”. Every man wants to be a true son to our Great Father and every woman wants to be a “bride” to her husband – a true beauty to be admired. We see this relationship in the Sun (Father), the Earth (Adam was created from the dust of the Earth) and Moon which has no light of its own but is a beauty in reflecting the Sun’s light (Eve was taken from Adam’s side). I’ve written much more on this relationship in Rapture: Empty Hourglass I & II.

All of this is important to the archetype that we’ll be looking at. Abram’s wife is Sarai and when God wants to show us emphasis He always does things in 3’s. There are 3 situations in Genesis where a wife gets called a “sister” in the protection of her husband. This happens two times with Abraham and once with Isaac. Let’s see what we can learn!

Wife-Sister Narrative I

We pick up this story in Genesis 12. My comments will be in blue.

Abram is a “type” of God the Father
Sarai is a “type” of Israel

Genesis 12
Abram and Sarai in Egypt
10Now(L) there was a famine in the land. So Abram went down to Egypt to sojourn there, for the famine was severe in the land.

Famine’s occur when God is about to change things. This famine parallels the famine which caused Jacob to move to Egypt with his son Joseph.

11When he was about to enter Egypt, he said to Sarai his wife, "I know that you are a woman beautiful in appearance, 12and when the Egyptians see you, they will say, 'This is his wife.' Then they(M) will kill me, but they will let you live. 13Say you are my sister, that it may go well with me because of you, and that my life may be spared for your sake."

Joseph when he went to Egypt became prominent after he foretold Pharaoh’s dreams. In this way Israel was “beautiful” to the Egyptians and Israel is a type of wife to YHWH. Abraham standing for YHWH or God the Father in saying “killing” means that the Egyptians would not fully accept him as their God (which was not His purpose).

14When Abram entered Egypt, the Egyptians saw that the woman was very beautiful. 15And when the princes of Pharaoh saw her, they praised her to Pharaoh. And the woman was taken into Pharaoh’s house. 16And for her sake he dealt well with Abram; and he had sheep, oxen, male donkeys, male servants, female servants, female donkeys, and camels. All this foreshadows Joseph.
17But the LORD(N) afflicted Pharaoh and his house with great plagues because of Sarai, Abram’s wife.
This foreshadows the 10 plagues of Egypt. Notice this happens in a “physical” way which will contrast what happens later in our other narratives.
18So Pharaoh called Abram and said, "What is this you have done to me? Why did you not tell me that she was your wife? 19Why did you say, 'She is my sister,' so that I took her for my wife? Now then, here is your wife; take her, and go." 20And Pharaoh gave men orders concerning him, and they sent him away with his wife and all that he had.
Prophetically this is the whole story of Joseph, Moses & Israel and the Exodus – Amazing!
Notice this happens in chapter 12 and of course Israel and there are the 12 tribes. The Lord afflicts Pharaoh in verse 17 which is 10 for ten plagues, ordinal completion + 7 spiritual intervention/completion. 18 which is 6 + 6 + 6 is Pharaoh’s answer. 19 the number for judgment is the release and 20 which is the number for ordinal completion.
After this The Lord promises Abram in chapter 13:
14The LORD said to Abram, after Lot had separated from him, "Lift up your eyes and look from the place where you are,(O) northward and southward and eastward and westward, 15for all the land that you see I will give(P) to you and(Q) to your offspring forever. 16(R) I will make your offspring as the dust of the earth, so that if one can count the dust of the earth, your offspring also can be counted. 17Arise, walk through the length and the breadth of the land, for I will give it to you."
Notice that the promise is for the land and his offspring is as the “dust of the earth”. It is directly in relation to Israel.
This whets my appetite to see what we can learn from the two other narratives…

Wife-Sister Narrative II

Before we get to the next narrative there are some important changes.
In Chapter 15 YHWH gives Abraham a new promise
5And he brought him outside and said, "Look toward heaven, and(E) number the stars, if you are able to number them." Then he said to him,(F) "So shall your offspring be." 6And(G) he believed the LORD, and(H) he counted it to him as righteousness.
Now YHWH has given Abraham a new promise of his offspring comparing them to the stars of the sky. This is an inheritance of the Universe vs. the dust of the earth – an earthly inheritance.
In Chapter 17 YHWH there is a name change. Abram is now Abraham and Sarai is now Sarah. YHWH is showing us differences in dispensations and his called people groups.

1When Abram was ninety-nine years old the LORD appeared to Abram and said to him, "I am God Almighty;[a] walk before me, and be(A) blameless, 2that I may make my covenant between me and you, and(B) may multiply you greatly." 3Then Abram(C) fell on his face. And God said to him, 4"Behold, my covenant is with you, and you shall be(D) the father of a multitude of nations. 5No longer shall your name be called Abram,[b] but(E) your name shall be Abraham,[c](F) for I have made you the father of a multitude of nations. 6I will make you exceedingly fruitful, and I will make(G) you into nations, and(H) kings shall come from you. 7And I will(I) establish my covenant between me and you and your offspring after you throughout their generations for an everlasting covenant,(J) to be God to you and to your offspring after you.
There will be a day when we walk in front of the Lord and shall be made to be blameless. This is an inheritance to be given as is to be kings. YHWH did indeed make Abraham the father of Nations.
This next narrative is more complicated and has more pieces to it that the first one. Let’s move through one passage at a time to break it down.
Genesis 20
Abraham and Abimelech
1From there Abraham journeyed toward the territory of the Negeb and lived between(A) Kadesh and Shur; and he(B) sojourned in(C) Gerar. 2And Abraham said of Sarah his wife,(D) "She is my sister." And Abimelech king of Gerar sent and took Sarah.

Sarah again is proclaimed a “sister” and Abimelech takes her.

3(E) But God came to Abimelech(F) in a dream by night and said to him, "Behold, you are a dead man because of the woman whom you have taken, for she is a man’s wife." 4Now Abimelech had not approached her. So he said,(G) "Lord, will you kill an innocent people? 5Did he not himself say to me, 'She is my sister'? And she herself said, 'He is my brother.' In the integrity of my heart and the innocence of my hands I have done this." 6Then God said to him in the dream, "Yes, I know that you have done this in the integrity of your heart, and it was I who kept you from sinning(H) against me. Therefore I did not let you touch her. 7Now then, return the man’s wife,(I) for he is a prophet, so that he will pray for you, and you shall live. But if you do not return her, know that you shall surely die, you(J) and all who are yours."

Abimelech is much different than Pharaoh. Abimelech is a Philistine. Egypt is a type of word/earth secular/man system. Everything is physical and the plagues were physical. With Abimelech YHWH comes to him in a dream. This is spiritual. The Philistines stand for demonic/spiritual foes. It was Goliath, a Philistine who descended from the Nephilim that David defeated.
8So Abimelech rose early in the morning and called all his servants and told them all these things. And the men were very much afraid. 9Then Abimelech called Abraham and said to him, "What have you done to us? And how have I sinned against you, that you have brought on me and my kingdom a great sin? You have done to me things that ought not to be done." 10And Abimelech said to Abraham, "What did you see, that you did this thing?" 11Abraham said, "I did it because I thought,(K) There is no fear of God at all in this place, and(L) they will kill me because of my wife. 12Besides,(M) she is indeed my sister, the daughter of my father though not the daughter of my mother, and she became my wife. 13And when(N) God caused me to wander from my father’s house, I said to her, 'This is the kindness you must do me: at every place to which we come,(O) say of me, He is my brother.'"
14Then Abimelech(P) took sheep and oxen, and male servants and female servants, and gave them to Abraham, and returned Sarah his wife to him. 15And Abimelech said, "Behold,(Q) my land is before you; dwell where it pleases you." 16To Sarah he said, "Behold, I have given(R) your brother a thousand pieces of silver. It is(S) a sign of your innocence in the eyes of all[a] who are with you, and before everyone you are vindicated." 17Then(T) Abraham prayed to God, and God healed Abimelech, and also healed his wife and female slaves so that they bore children. 18For the LORD(U) had closed all the wombs of the house of Abimelech because of Sarah, Abraham’s wife.
It’s a little harder to explain all of this and I won’t speculate to much because there is so much other information that we can easily discern. The pieces of silver relate to Jesus. Also, remember that Sarah’s womb was closed but just as Abimelech’s women’s wombs were opened so was Sarah’s.
Right after this passage is the birth of Isaac in chapter 21. Remember 20 (10 X 2) stands for ordinal completion and 21 (7 X 3) for spiritual completion so the chapter numbering fits. Hagar and Ishmael are sent away. Hagar and Ishmael nearly die in the desert when God saves them:
17And God heard the voice of the boy, and the angel of God called to Hagar from heaven and said to her, "What troubles you, Hagar? Fear not, for God has heard the voice of the boy where he is. 18Up! Lift up the boy, and hold him fast with your hand, for I will make him into a great nation." 19Then(Q) God opened her eyes, and she saw a well of water. And she went and filled the skin with water and gave the boy a drink.
Notice the well which God opened her eyes to. Wells are spiritual “wormholes” or passages into the spiritual realm. Don’t believe it? I don’t blame, you but keep following and you’ll see more evidence. To be clear, I’m not saying that you can find any old well, jump into it and end up somewhere else. But it is obvious that wells are significant places where spiritual intervention takes place. Before I lose you let me give you some Biblical examples and then we’ll move on to part II of this story which involves wells (this is why I want to get your attention on this subject). Joseph, a model of Jesus is thrown down a well and ultimately ends up in Egypt. Canaan, the promised land and type of heaven is where he started he went down the well and ended up in Egypt a type of this earth/world. Isaac’s wife was found at a well, Jacob first saw Rachel, his beloved wife at a well and Jesus talks with the woman at the well, a type of church of which she refers to Jacob’s well. Well, well, well – hopefully all our eyes are beginning to open up a bit…
Abraham and Abimelech (Part II, still in chapter 21)
A Treaty with Abimelech
22At that time(S) Abimelech and Phicol the commander of his army said to Abraham,(T) "God is with you in all that you do. 23Now therefore swear to me here by God that you will not deal falsely with me or with my descendants or with my posterity, but(U) as I have dealt kindly with you, so you will deal with me and with the land where you have sojourned." 24And Abraham said, "I will swear."
25When Abraham reproved Abimelech about a well of water that Abimelech’s servants(V) had seized, 26Abimelech said, "I do not know who has done this thing; you did not tell me, and I have not heard of it until today." 27So Abraham took sheep and oxen and gave them to Abimelech, and the two men(W) made a covenant. 28Abraham set seven ewe lambs of the flock apart.
Notice the lambs which relate to Jesus and 7 being God’s number denoting spiritual completion.
29And Abimelech said to Abraham, "What is the meaning of these seven ewe lambs that you have set apart?" 30He said, "These seven ewe lambs you will take from my hand, that this[c] may be a witness for me that I dug this well." 31Therefore(X) that place was called Beersheba,[d] because there both of them swore an oath. 32So they made a covenant at Beersheba. Then Abimelech and Phicol the commander of his army rose up and returned to the land of the Philistines. 33Abraham planted a tamarisk tree in Beersheba and(Y) called there on the name of the LORD,(Z) the Everlasting God. 34And Abraham sojourned many days in the land of the Philistines.
The tree stands for the cross of Jesus. Somehow there were two agreements between Satan & YHWH. Yes YHWH does not “need” Satan in any way, but if you don’t think they make agreements then read the first part of Job again. This whole dispensation of 7,000 years is about the argument between Satan and YHWH being carried out.
In Chapter 22 Isaac is sacrificed. Abraham in the physical wanted the well. In the spiritual we get insight to know that YHWH the Father wanted the well and carried out His plan to sacrifice His son “…for God so loved the world that He sacrificed His only son…” and this is played out by Abraham and Isaac in chapter 22. This is one of the most “famous” archetypes giving us insight, but there are many more. Beginning to see what I mean about wells? I hope so.
…moving on to the third wife-sister narrative which is with Issac who stands for Jesus. Isaac had received his bride from the servant who found Rebecca by the well. Isaac and Rebecca are well known to be a model for Christ and the Church as well as the Rapture, so this makes it all the more interesting to move forward and see what we can find…
Genesis 26
God’s Promise to Isaac
1Now there was a famine in the land, besides(A) the former famine that was in the days of Abraham.

Another famine has happened just like the first one that occurred with Abram.

And Isaac went to Gerar to(B) Abimelech king of the(C) Philistines.

But this one does not involve Egypt (earth/world) but spiritual because it is with the Philistines (spiritual).

2And the LORD appeared to him and said, "Do not go down to Egypt; dwell(D) in the land of which I shall tell you. 3(E) Sojourn in this land, and(F) I will be with you and will bless you, for(G) to you and to your offspring I will give all these lands, and I will establish(H) the oath that I swore to Abraham your father. 4(I) I will multiply your offspring as the stars of heaven and will give to your offspring all these lands. And(J) in your offspring all the nations of the earth shall be blessed, 5because(K) Abraham obeyed my voice and kept my charge, my commandments, my statutes, and my laws."

YHWH reiterates His promise to Isaac and tells him not to go down to Egypt and also uses the “stars of heaven” as the analogy also denoting spiritual and the heavens vs. earth, dust and Egypt.
Isaac and Abimelech
6So Isaac settled in Gerar. 7When the men of the place asked him about his wife,(L) he said, "She is my sister," for(M) he feared to say, "My wife," thinking, "lest the men of the place should kill me because of Rebekah," because(N) she was attractive in appearance.

Here is the wife-sister narrative…

8When he had been there a long time, Abimelech king of the Philistines looked out of a window and saw Isaac laughing with[a] Rebekah his wife.

This time is different yet from the other times. The first time was handled with plagues on Egypt. The second time it was a dream. Both had threats of harm attached to them. This time Abimelech sees Isaac with what he is sure is his wife and not his sister through a “window”. Just like “wells” in the Bible other terms can give us insight. In this instance a window is like an opening from the spiritual to the physical to gain sight. We use a window in a house to gain site into the outside world. And so Abimelech used a window to gain insight into the relationship with Isaac and Rebecca.

9So Abimelech called Isaac and said, "Behold, she is your wife. How then could you say, 'She is my sister'?" Isaac said to him, "Because I thought, 'Lest I die because of her.'" 10Abimelech said, "What is this you have done to us? One of the people might easily have lain with your wife, and(O) you would have brought guilt upon us." 11So Abimelech warned all the people, saying, "Whoever touches this man or his wife shall surely be put to death."

This Abimelech (Abimelech may be a direct name, but may also be a title) whether it was the same man or his son learned from the first run-in with Abraham. Abraham and Abimelech had made an oath regarding the wells afterwards and so this Abimelech by his sight through a “window” is proactively making sure the “couple” (Jesus & his bride the Church) are not hurt, not necessarily because he is so good (Philistines stand for dark spiritual forces), but because he already knows the repercussions of disobedience. He gives the order to his subjects not to touch them at all or the penalty will be death.
12And Isaac sowed in that land and reaped in the same year a hundredfold. The LORD(P) blessed him, 13and the man became rich, and gained more and more until he became very wealthy. 14He had possessions of flocks and herds and many servants, so that the Philistines(Q) envied him. 15(Now the Philistines had stopped and filled with earth all the wells(R) that his father’s servants had dug in the days of Abraham his father.) 16And Abimelech said to Isaac, "Go away from us, for you are much mightier than we."
Isaac (standing for Jesus) was richly blessed, just as Jesus has been richly blessed by greater “herds” throughout the Church age. Finally the Philistines (dark forces) can no longer stand it and ask him to “go away”. Notice here again are the wells which really are wormholes. Notice the “dark forces” had stopped them up.
17So Isaac departed from there and encamped in the Valley of Gerar and settled there.
Gerar means “lodging place” and could relate to Jesus when he talks of the “many rooms” and/or similar to the ark.
18And Isaac dug again the wells of water that had been dug in the days of Abraham his father, which the Philistines had stopped after the death of Abraham. And(S) he gave them the names that his father had given them. 19But when Isaac’s servants dug in the valley and found there a well of spring water, 20the herdsmen of Gerar(T) quarreled with Isaac’s herdsmen, saying, "The water is ours." So he called the name of the well Esek,[b] because they contended with him. 21Then they dug another well, and they quarreled over that also, so he called its name Sitnah.[c] 22And he moved from there and dug another well, and they did not quarrel over it. So he called its name Rehoboth,[d] saying, "For now the LORD has made room for us, and we shall be fruitful in the land."
Notice Isaac (Jesus) digging the wells. Water is known to stand for “spirit” and makes sense that it would be in the well. Finally Isaac (Jesus) has success and digs a well and relating to the Rapture what he says should be exciting:
“For now the Lord has made room for us, and we shall be fruitful in the land.”
Maybe this doesn’t make sense to you if you are expecting some “automatic button” to be pushed and Heaven to be clouds and harps. Remember the Promised Land which is a model. It was promised but it had to be taken by faith. So Isaac (Jesus) finds an establishment place for God’s elect.
23From there he went up to Beersheba. 24And the LORD appeared to him the same night and said,(U) "I am the God of Abraham your father.(V) Fear not, for(W) I am with you and will bless you and multiply your offspring for my servant Abraham’s sake." 25So he(X) built an altar there and called upon the name of the LORD and pitched his tent there. And there Isaac’s servants dug a well.
Notice that the reaction to hearing from the LORD is to dig a well. YHWH affirms and gives confidence and they follow with action in digging a well (creating a wormhole).
26When Abimelech went to him from Gerar with Ahuzzath his adviser and(Y) Phicol the commander of his army, 27Isaac said to them, "Why have you come to me, seeing that you hate me and(Z) have sent me away from you?" 28They said, "We see plainly that the LORD has been with you. So we said, let there be a sworn pact between us, between you and us, and let us make a covenant with you, 29that you will do us no harm, just as we have not touched you and have done to you nothing but good and have sent you away in peace.(AA) You are now the blessed of the LORD."
Satan is not stupid he is a survivalist. As God’s word says all will not be done until the end of the Millennium. The Rapture does not end all things. Even at the end of the Millennium Satan and his forces rebel which finally lead us into eternity.
30So he made them a feast, and they ate and drank. 31In the morning they rose early and(AB) exchanged oaths. And Isaac sent them on their way, and they departed from him in peace.
Feasts are set times for oaths. Think you can’t dine with the enemy? What about Esther, Xerxes and Haman. Notice Isaac (Jesus) sent them on their way and they depart in peace. The Millennium is a time for peace.
32That same day Isaac’s servants came and told him about the well that they had dug and said to him, "We have found water." 33He called it Shibah;[e] therefore the name of the city is(AC) Beersheba to this day.
Water, standing for spirit and the “living water” Jesus refers to with the “woman at the well” is necessary for a well to be any good.
34When Esau was forty years old, he took(AD) Judith the daughter of Beeri the Hittite to be his wife, and Basemath the daughter of Elon the Hittite, 35and(AE) they made life bitter[f] for Isaac and Rebekah.
Esau and Jacob were both born from the marriage of Issac and Rebecca and what this all means is a whole other story…
Lots to learn, just in the book of Genesis.



I phone, Apple & Eden repeat

Apple’s new iphone is like a new “power” in the palm of your hand. Sometimes I believe God has a sense of humor of just makes things simple.

The basic building blocks of life? Atoms or Adams? It can be that simple Evolutionists.

Genesis 3

6So when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was a delight to the eyes, and that the tree was to be desired to make one wise,[b] she took of its fruit(D) and ate, and she also gave some to her husband who was with her,(E) and he ate.

Prophetic News?

Disclaimer: I know little to nothing about this group so I cannot make claims for or against. But the timing and wording seems prophetic.,2933,361345,00.html

430 is the number of years from Israel to exodus (also 400 which is also a number used)

Judge Orders Return of 430 Children to Polygamist Sect
Monday, June 02, 2008


SAN ANGELO, Texas — A Texas district judge on Monday ordered the immediate return of the more than 400 children taken from a polygamist sect's ranch, bringing a sudden end to one of the largest custody cases in U.S. history.
Texas District Judge Barbara Walther, responding to a state Supreme Court ruling last week, signed the order filed by attorneys for the parents and Child Protective Services, allowing the parents to begin picking their children up from foster care facilities around the state almost immediately.
The order requires the parents to stay in Texas, to attend parenting classes and to allow the children to be examined as part of any ongoing child abuse investigation. But it does not put restrictions on the children's fathers, require that polygamy is renounced or that parents live away from the Yearning For Zion Ranch.
"We're really grateful to get the order signed," said Willie Jessop, an elder for the Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, the sect that runs the ranch.
Two months (2,000 years) in foster care has taken a toll on the children, who previously lived an insular life on the self-contained ranch where church teachings dominated the way of life, and he hoped for a less restrictive order, he said, without elaborating.
The order requires that parents allow CPS to make unannounced visits to the families and that they notify CPS if they plan to travel more than 100 miles from their homes.
The Supreme Court on Thursday affirmed an appeals court ruling ordering Walther to reverse her decision in April putting all children from the ranch into foster case. The Supreme Court and the appeals court rejected the state's argument that all the children were in immediate danger from what it said was a cycle of sexual abuse of teenage girls at the ranch.
Half the children sent to foster care were no older than 5.
The FDLS denies any abuse of the children and says they are being persecuted for their religious beliefs.
The Third Court of Appeals (Trinity) last week ruled that the state failed to show that any more than five of the teenage girls were being sexually abused, and had offered no evidence of sexual or physical abuse against the other children.
Roughly 430 children from the ranch are in foster care after two births, numerous reclassifications of adult women initially held as minors and a handful of agreements allowing parents to keep custody while the Supreme Court considered the case.
It's not clear how many might return to the ranch right away (multiple raptures). Many of the parents have purchased or rented homes in Amarillo, San Antonio and other places around the state, where the children were placed in foster facilities.
The FLDS, which teaches that polygamy brings glorification in heaven, is a breakaway sect of the Mormon church, which renounced polygamy more than a century ago.

Sunday, June 1, 2008

June 4th Rapture (2008)

June 4th Rapture (2008)
Please Reference: Rapture: Empty Hourglass

To clarify what I am doing is watching and not saying I understand it all right away – like Paul I “see through a glass darkly” and it’s like bringing binoculars into focus. At my website I describe how in the military I was taught to watch and Jesus uses this same analogy when he describes His command for us to “watch” as we are followers of our True King - Jesus.

First of all I need to reference my prior writing called: “Rapture: Hourglass Empty” Please read it. It is at both my website ( and posted at under the letters: ( )

Given (above reference): 14,400 days (360 biblical years X 40)
December 23rd 1968, The Apollo 8 reading of Genesis
+ 14,400 days
= May 28, 2008


It is understood that Joshua and his taking the Promised Land is also Prophetic by nature (all scripture is at least 3 fold: Historical, Moral & Prophetic).

We already see the earthly Joshua and Heavenly direct in the scripture:

Joshua 5

13 Now it came about when Joshua was by Jericho, that he lifted up his eyes and looked, and behold, a man was standing opposite him with his sword drawn in his hand, and Joshua went to him and said to him, “Are you for us or for our adversaries?” 14 He said, “No; rather I indeed come now as Captain of the Host of the Lord.” And Joshua fell on his face to the earth, and bowed down, and said to him, “What has my lord to say to his servant?” 15 The captain of the Lord’s host said to Joshua, “Remove your sandals from your feet, for the place where you are standing is holy.” And Joshua did so.

This is Joshua (which in Hebrew is Jesus) the earthly captain meeting Jesus the Heavenly Captain.

Jericho means “moon”. Joshua conquers the earthly moon and 1st city in the Promised Land. Jesus will conquer the heavenly moon (the one you see just about every night!) as a type of 1st city leading to a Heavenly promised land. Remember as it has been said that Abraham’s children will be like the sand on the sea shore and the stars in the sky. Joshua and Jericho is as to the sand as Jesus and the moon are to the space frontier (galaxy or universe).

Joshua was instructed to march 6 days around Jericho (read Joshua 6)

Verse 14 says “thus the second day they marched around the city once and returned to the camp; they did so for six days.

Verse 15 – 16 says “Then on the seventh day they rose early at the dawning of the day and marched around the city in the same manner seven times; only on that day they marched around the city seven times.” 16 At the seventh time, when the priests blew the trumpets, Joshua said to the people “Shout” for the Lord has given you the city.

As you can see this is the “last trumpet” and also the “Shout”.

The walls come down (barrier)

Let me get to the date and then I will continue on in more detail. Here again is the figuring from the last document:

Given (above reference): 14,400 days (360 biblical years X 40)
December 23rd 1968, The Apollo 8 reading of Genesis
+ 14,400 days
= May 28, 2008

+ 7 days and the last trumpet and shout
= June 4th 2008

As Steve Berryman has been mentioning this falls on the correct creation day Wednesday the 4th day of the week (middle candle on the Menorah, the Servant candle).

This day is the first day of Sivan and New Moon, perfectly dark for the thief in the night which is Jesus. Also a Trumpet is blown on the New Moon (you can research Rosh Chodesh for yourself for more information).

Also Sivan 1 is significant to Noah as the day the flood waters subsided upon the earth. This took 150 days and if you move back 150 days this year you come to a very important day that I’ve already written about which is the 12th day of Christmas, 3 wise man day and Epiphany day. I have a Blog post on December 28th of 2007 that you can read regarding this day ( ) and there is lots information on this day you can research as well.

All of this brings us to June 4, 2008 as a day to focus your “binoculars” in on during your Rapture watch.

Here is some more scriptural validation lending insight:

Matthew 20 is the chapter where Jesus is in Jericho. In chapter 20 is the parable about the workers in the vineyard when workers are called at the 11th hour and he says the last shall be first and the first last. Also verse 17 reads “As Jesus was about to go up to Jerusalem…” then the “discussion” over which disciple will sit at Jesus’ right hand. Then when they are leaving Jericho a group asks for sight which are blind. Following this is Matthew 21 which is the Triumphal entry into Jerusalem.

In the story of the Good Samaritan Jesus said a “man was going down from Jerusalem to Jericho”. This is a reference to the New Jerusalem and Jericho.

In Hebrews 11 in the faith “hall of fame” after talking about the search for a “True and Better” Country, references are made to the walls of Jericho falling down and Rahab.

Rahab in the story of Joshua is a prostitute that is saved by her faith. She hides the two spies (boy did Joshua learn that instead of sending in 12 spies of which 2 bring back a good report and 10 bring back a bad report that more is not better – just send in the 2 good ones!) and is told to hang out the red cord that she will be saved.

This passage in Isaiah is prophetic to this coming event (my comments in blue):

Isaiah 51
1"(A)Listen to me, you who (B)pursue righteousness,
Who seek the LORD:
Look to the (C)rock from which you were hewn (rock, moon, garden of Eden)
And to the quarry from which you were dug.
2"Look to (D)Abraham your father (Abraham’s bosom, Paradise)
And to Sarah who gave birth to you in pain;
When he (E)was but one I called him,
Then I blessed him and multiplied him." (stars in the sky)
3Indeed, (F)the LORD will comfort Zion;
He will comfort all her (G)waste places
And her (H)wilderness He will make like (I)Eden,
And her desert like the (J)garden of the LORD;
(K)Joy and gladness will be found in her,
Thanksgiving and sound of a melody.
4"(L)Pay attention to Me, O My people,
And give ear to Me, O My nation;
For a (M)law will go forth from Me,
And I will set My (N)justice for a (O)light of the peoples. (moon reflects suns light)
5"My (P)righteousness is near, My salvation has gone forth,
And My (Q)arms will judge the peoples;
The (R)coastlands will wait for Me, (moon/Eden/New Jerusalem returns)
And for My (S)arm they will wait expectantly.
6"(T)Lift up your eyes to the sky, (where the moon is now)
Then look to the earth beneath; (where it will soon return)
For the (U)sky will vanish like smoke, (the distance or wall will be gone)
And the (V)earth will wear out like a garment
And its inhabitants will die in like manner;
But My (W)salvation will be forever,
And My righteousness will not wane.
7"(X)Listen to Me, you who know righteousness,
A people in whose (Y)heart is My law;
Do not fear the (Z)reproach of man,
Nor be dismayed at their revilings.
8"For the (AA)moth will eat them like a garment,
And the (AB)grub will eat them like wool
But My (AC)righteousness will be forever,
And My salvation to all generations."
9(AD)Awake, awake, put on strength, O arm of the LORD;
Awake as in the (AE)days of old, the generations of long ago
(AF)Was it not You who cut Rahab in pieces, (Rahab the prostitute dwelled in earthly Jericho, but it may be Rahab a demonic force who rules/guards the moon when it is overthrown)
Who pierced the (AG)dragon?
10Was it not You who (AH)dried up the sea,
The waters of the great deep;
Who made the depths of the sea a pathway
For the (AI)redeemed to cross over? (redeemed cross over – Rapture reference)
11So the (AJ)ransomed of the LORD will return (returning!!!)
And come with joyful shouting to Zion,
And (AK)everlasting joy will be on their heads
They will obtain gladness and joy,
And (AL)sorrow and sighing will flee away.
12"I, even I, am He who (AM)comforts you
Who are you that you are afraid of (AN)man who dies
And of the son of man who is made (AO)like grass,
13That you have (AP)forgotten the LORD your Maker,
Who (AQ)stretched out the heavens
And laid the foundations of the earth,
That you (AR)fear continually all day long because of the fury of the oppressor,
As he makes ready to destroy?
But where is the fury of the (AS)oppressor?
14"The (AT)exile will soon be set free, and will not die in the dungeon, (AU)nor will his bread be lacking. (a promise that we will not always be here forever)
15"For I am the LORD your God, who (AV)stirs up the sea and its waves roar (the LORD of hosts is His name).
16"I have (AW)put My words in your mouth and have (AX)covered you with the shadow of My hand, to (AY)establish the heavens, to found the earth, and to say to Zion, 'You are My people.'"
17(AZ)Rouse yourself! Rouse yourself! Arise, O Jerusalem,
You who have (BA)drunk from the LORD'S hand the cup of His anger;
The chalice of reeling you have drained to the dregs.
18There is (BB)none to guide her among all the sons she has borne,
Nor is there one to take her by the hand among all the sons she has reared.
19These two things have befallen you;
Who will mourn for you?
The (BC)devastation and destruction, famine and sword;
How shall I comfort you?
20Your sons have fainted,
They (BD)lie helpless at the head of every street,
Like an (BE)antelope in a net,
Full of the wrath of the LORD,
The (BF)rebuke of your God.
21Therefore, please hear this, you (BG)afflicted,
Who are (BH)drunk, but not with wine:
22Thus says your Lord, the LORD, even your God
Who (BI)contends for His people,
"Behold, I have taken out of your hand the (BJ)cup of reeling,
The chalice of My anger;
You will never drink it again.
23"I will (BK)put it into the hand of your tormentors,
Who have said to you, '(BL)Lie down that we may walk over you.'
You have even made your back like the ground
And like the street for those who walk over it."
Next I’d like to show you some notes on what I’ve found relative to dates and recent prophetic events.

1987 1988 1989 2007 2008 2009
2 years 1967 physical 20 21 22 40 41 42
stands for 1968 spiritual 19 20 21 39 40 41
2,000 years 1969 judgment 18 19 20 38 39 40

18 = man (6 X 3)
19 = judgment (good or bad, for or against)
20 = ordinal completion (10 X 2, Jacob & Laban)
21 = Spiritual completion (7 X 3)

1967 – Physical Jerusalem

June 1967 was the Recapture of Jerusalem. The city of Jericho was recaptured during the 6 day war in 1967. It was one of the 1st cities handed over to the Palestinian Authority in the Oslo Accords in 1994.

As has been written by Steve Berryman as per the “law of stripes” one will not receive the 41st stripe. Also in the lashes one can receive the proper 40 or as Paul received 40 minus one which of course is 39. Utilizing the law of stripes you can see that each of these number falls under 2008.

1968 – Heavenly Jerusalem

I’ve already explained in my writing of “Rapture: Hourglass Empty” and prior here. But the December 24th 1968 and the Apollo 8 mission where Genesis was read was the prophetic archetype and beginning of the countdown. A commemorative stamp was made for this even on May 5th 1969 (which I show on my prior document). May 5th 2000 was the planet alignment.

1968 Shavout (Jewish) and Pentecost Christian both were on June 2nd

1969 – The Rebellion

Again please reference my prior writing for detail, but this was the Apollo 11 mission. A man on this mission took communion, but kept it secret because of the Atheist lawsuit after the Apollo 8 mission. Quite a contrast as the Genesis reading “God Created…” was broadcast to the largest audience ever at the time. The headline for this was man putting his foot on the moon. The middle of the Bible in Psalms 118:8 reads “…better to put your trust in God than man…”


The central event that took place regarding the Moon that was “faithful” was the Genesis reading on Christmas Eve 1968. My favorite Christmas movie is “It’s a Wonderful Life”. Do you remember George Bailey and his discussion with Mary?
What is it you want, Mary? What do you want? You-you want the moon? Just say the word and I'll throw a lasso around it and pull it down. Hey, that's a pretty good idea. I'll give you the moon...Well, then you could swallow it. And it'll all dissolve, see. And the moon beams that shoot out of your fingers and your toes and the ends of your hair...Am I talking too much?
When a couple gets married you go on a honeymoon. Then there is the “man” in the moon and there are the Zodiac “lunar mansions”. All of these “concepts” come from somewhere. I hope some of this information has been helpful – Maranatha!
Appendix: A listing of events I found have bearing on this topic for the key years 1967,1968,1969/1987,1988,1989 & 2007,2008
Midpoint years (20) BTW…6/4/2008 adds up to 20


• Dow Jones closes above 2,000 for the 1st time
• Iran Contra affair revelation where U.S. & Israel give Iran weapons in exchange for hostages
• Assemblies of God Jim Bakker defrocked
• The Single European Act (SEA) was the first major revision of the Treaty of Rome establishing the single European market and the European Political cooperation.
• Our Common Future is a report from the United Nations World Commission on Environment and Development and was published.
• FCC rescinds the “fairness” doctrine which requires radio and television to “fairly” present controversial issues.
• The Harmonic Convergence was a loosely organized new age spiritual event that occurred on August 16 and August 17, 1987, when groups of people gathered in various sacred sites and "mystical" places all over the world to usher in a new era. The date was based primarily on the Maya calendar, but was also affected by interpretations of European and Asian astrology. It also marked a time in astronomy when a number of planets in our solar system came into alignment with one another.
• (Knighthood) August 19 - In London, The Order of the Garter is opened to women.
• October 19 - Black Monday: stock market levels fall sharply on Wall Street and around the world.
• October 23 - On a vote of 58-42, the United States Senate rejects President Ronald Reagan's nomination of Robert Bork to the U.S. Supreme Court.

• January 15 - In Jerusalem, Israeli police and Palestinian protestors clash at the Dome of the Rock; several police and at least 70 Palestinians are injured.
• January 25 - U.S. Vice President George H.W. Bush and CBS News anchor Dan Rather clash over Bush's role in the Iran-Contra scandal, during a contentious television interview.
• February 12 - Anthony M. Kennedy is appointed to the Supreme Court of the United States.
• February 29 - A Nazi document implicates Kurt Waldheim in WWII deportations.
• March 16 - Iran-Contra Affair: Lieutenant Colonel Oliver North and Vice Admiral John Poindexter are indicted on charges of conspiracy to defraud the United States.
• March 24 - An Israeli court sentences Mordechai Vanunu to 18 years in prison for disclosing Israel's nuclear program to The Sunday Times.
• April 14 - In the Geneva Accords, the Soviet Union commits itself to withdrawal of its forces from Afghanistan.
• The USS Samuel B. Roberts (FFG-58) strikes a naval mine in the Persian Gulf, while deployed on Operation Earnest Will during the Tanker War phase of the Iran-Iraq War.
• April 18 - United States Navy retaliates for the Roberts mining with Operation Praying Mantis, in a day of strikes against Iranian oil platforms and naval vessels.
• April 25 - In Israel, Ivan Demjanjuk is sentenced to death for war crimes committed in World War II. He was accused by survivors of being the notorious guard at the Treblinka extermination camp known as "Ivan the Terrible". The conviction is later overturned by the Israeli Supreme Court.
• May 15 - Soviet war in Afghanistan: After more than eight years of fighting, the Red Army begins withdrawing from Afghanistan.
• June 30 - Roman Catholic Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre consecrates four bishops at Ecône, Switzerland for his apostolate, along with Bishop Antonio de Castro Mayer, without a papal mandate.
• July 3 - Iran Air Flight 655 is shot down by missiles launched from the USS Vincennes.
• July 6 - The first reported medical waste on beaches in the Greater New York area (including hypodermic needles and syringes possibly infected with the AIDS virus) washes ashore on Long Island. Subsequent medical waste discoveries on beaches in Coney Island and in Monmouth County, New Jersey force the closure of numerous New York-area beaches in the middle of one of the hottest summers in the American Northeast on record.
• August 8 - 8888 Uprising: Thousands of protesters in Burma, now known as Myanmar, are killed during anti-government demonstrations.
• August 20 - The Iran-Iraq war ends, with an estimated one million lives lost.
• October 11 - Women are allowed to study at Magdalene College, Cambridge, for the first time. Male students wear black armbands and the porter flies a black flag.
• October 28 - Abortion: 48 hours after announcing it was abandoning RU-486, French manufacturer Roussel Uclaf states that it would resume distribution of the drug, bowing to pressure from the government of France.
• November 1 - In the Israeli election, Likud wins 47 seats, Labour wins 49, but Likud Prime Minister Yitzhak Shamir remains in office.
• November 8 - United States presidential election, 1988: George H. W. Bush is elected over Michael Dukakis.
• November 15 - Israeli-Palestinian Conflict: An independent State of Palestine is proclaimed at the Palestinian National Council meeting in Algiers, by a vote of 253 to 46.
• November 16 - In the first open election in more than a decade, voters in Pakistan choose populist candidate Benazir Bhutto to be Prime Minister. Elections were held as planned despite head of state Zia-ul-Haq's death earlier in August.
• November 22 - In Palmdale, California, the first prototype B-2 Spirit stealth bomber is revealed.
• December 2 - Benazir Bhutto is sworn in as Prime Minister of Pakistan, becoming the first woman to head the government of an Islam-dominated state.
• December 21 - Pan Am Flight 103 is blown up by Libyan terrorists over Lockerbie, Scotland, killing a total of 270 people. Those responsible are believed to be of either Iranian or Libyan origin.


• January 4 - Gulf of Sidra incident (1989): two Libyan MiG-23 "Floggers" are engaged and shot down by two US Navy F-14 Tomcats.
• January 20 - George H. W. Bush succeeds Ronald Reagan as the 41st President of the United States of America.
• February 2 - Soviet war in Afghanistan: The last Soviet Union armored column leaves Kabul, ending 9 years of military occupation.
• February 7 - The Los Angeles, California City Council bans the sale or possession of semiautomatic weapons.
• February 10 - Ron Brown is elected chairman of the Democratic National Committee, becoming the first African American to lead a major United States political party.
• February 11 - Barbara Clementine Harris is consecrated as the first female bishop of the Episcopal Church in the United States of America.
• February 14 - The first of 24 Global Positioning System satellites is placed into orbit.
• February 15 - Soviet war in Afghanistan: The Soviet Union announces that all of its troops have left Afghanistan.
• February 23 - After protracted testimony, the U.S. Senate Armed Services Committee rejects, 11–9, President Bush's nomination of John Tower for Secretary of Defense.
• February 24 - Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini places a US $3-million bounty on the head of The Satanic Verses author Salman Rushdie.
• February 24 - After 44 years, Estonian flag is raised to the Pikk Hermann castle tower.
• March 1 - The Berne Convention, an international treaty on copyrights, is ratified by the United States.
• March 2 - Twelve European Community nations agree to ban the production of all chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) by the end of the century.
• March 7 - Iran breaks off diplomatic relations with the United Kingdom over Salman Rushdie's The Satanic Verses.
• March 13 - A geomagnetic storm caused the collapse of the Hydro-Québec power grid. Six million people were left without power for nine hours. Some areas in the northeastern U.S. and in Sweden also lost power, and auroras seen as far as Texas.
• March 22 - Asteroid 4581 Asclepius approaches the Earth at a distance of 700,000 kilometers.
• March 23 - A 300 m (1,000 ft) diameter Near-Earth asteroid misses the Earth by 500,000 km (400,000 miles).
• March 24 - Exxon Valdez oil spill: In Alaska's Prince William Sound the Exxon Valdez spills 240,000 barrels (11 million gallons) of oil after running aground.
• June 3 - The Ayatollah Khomeini dies.
• June 21 - British police arrest 250 people for celebrating the summer solstice at Stonehenge.
• July 14-July 16 - At the annual G-7 Summit, leaders call for restrictions on gas emissions.
• August 8 - STS-28: Space Shuttle Columbia takes off on a secret 5-day military mission.
• August 9 The asteroid 4769 Castalia is the first asteroid directly imaged by radar from Arecibo.
• August 20 - In Beverly Hills, California, Lyle and Erik Menendez shoot their wealthy parents to death in the family's den.
• August 23 - Two million indigenous people of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania, then still occupied by the Soviet Union, join hands to demand freedom and independence, forming an uninterrupted 600 km human chain called the Baltic Way.
• August 25 - Voyager II passes the planet Neptune and its moon Triton.
• October 5 - U.S. televangelist John Nunes is found guilty of embezzling $158 million.
• October 21 - The Heads of Government of the Commonwealth of Nations issue the Langkawi Declaration on the Environment, making environmental sustainability one of the Commonwealth's main priorities.
• November 9 - Cold War: East Germany opens checkpoints in the Berlin Wall, allowing its citizens to travel freely to West Germany for the first time in decades (the next day celebrating Germans began tearing the wall down).
• December 1 - Cold War: East Germany's parliament abolishes the constitutional provision granting the Communist-dominated SED its monopoly on power. Egon Krenz, the Politburo and the Central Committee resign 2 days later.
• December 3 - Cold War: In a meeting off the coast of Malta, U.S. President George H. W. Bush and Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev release statements indicating that the Cold War between their nations may be coming to an end.
• Homosexual Acts between consenting adults decriminalized in Western Australia.

1993 Oslo Accords

• An agreement on the withdrawal of Israeli military forces from the Gaza Strip and Jericho area.


*December 30th 2006 Sadaam Hussein is hanged to death.
• January 1 - Bulgaria and Romania join the European Union.
• January 1 - Slovenia adopts the euro as its official currency, replacing the tolar.
• January 1 - South Korea's Ban Ki-moon becomes the new United Nations Secretary-General, replacing Kofi Annan.
• January 4 - Nancy Pelosi becomes the first female speaker of the United States House of Representatives.
• January 10 - U.S. President George W. Bush announces a plan to station 21,500 additional troops in Iraq.
• January 11 - China successfully tests a ground-based ballistic missile capable of destroying satellites in orbit, drawing criticisms from other countries.
• January 12 - Comet McNaught, the brightest comet in over 40 years, makes perihelion.
• January 19 - Israel releases $100 million in frozen assets to President Mahmoud Abbas of the Palestinian National Authority in order to bolster the president's position.[8]
• January 22 - A bombing in a market in Baghdad, Iraq kills 88 people.
• January 25 - The President of Israel, Moshe Katsav, takes a temporary leave of absence due to a sex scandal.
• January 29 - A suicide bomber kills three people in a bakery in Eilat, Israel.
• February 2 - Palestinian factional violence: Hamas and its rival Fatah renew their truce after violence broke out following the initial ceasefire.
• February 3 - The deadly H5N1 strain of bird flu is found at a Bernard Matthews turkey farm in Suffolk, England.
• February 10 - U.S. Senator Barack Obama of Illinois announces a presidential bid in Springfield, Illinois.
• February 13 - North Korea agrees to shut down its nuclear facilities in Yongbyon by April 14 as a first step towards complete denuclearization, receiving in return energy aid equivalent to 50,000 tons of heavy fuel oil.[9]
• March 1 - Airbus announces that it will cease work indefinitely on the A380F freight aircraft.
• March 3 - Total lunar eclipse.
• March 8 - Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert admits that Israel had planned an attack on Lebanon in the event of kidnapped soldiers on the border, months before Hezbollah carried out its kidnapping.
• March 17 - Chlorine bombs injure hundreds in Baghdad, Iraq.
• March 23 - Naval forces of Iran's Revolutionary Guard seize Royal Navy personnel in disputed Iran-Iraq waters.
• March 25 - In Berlin 27 European ministers celebrate the 50-year Treaty of Rome.
• April 4 - Iran announced it will release the British sailors and marines that they captured on March 23. The captives arrive back in the UK the next day.
• April 16 - 32 people are killed in the Virginia Tech massacre on the premises of Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University in Blacksburg, Virginia.
• April 24 - Abortion is legalized in Mexico City.
• April 25 - The Dow Jones Industrial Average gains 135.95 points to close at 13089.89; its first close above 13000 in its history. (13 = rebellion)
• May 4 - Executive Directive 51, which specifies the procedures for continuity of the federal government of the United States in the event of a "catastrophic emergency" signed by President George W. Bush.
• May 10 - Tony Blair announces he will resign as British Prime Minister on 27 June triggering a Labour Party leadership election.
• May 16 - The General Assembly of the United Nations, recognizing that genuine multilingualism promotes unity in diversity and international understanding, proclaimed 2008 the International Year of Languages [1]. Babel
• May 17 - The Russian Orthodox Church Abroad and the Moscow Patriarchate re-united after eighty years of schism.
• May 26 - Russia is once again recognized as a full-fledged superpower by the United States.[12]
• May 31 - A calendar blue moon occurred in the Western Hemisphere and parts of the Eastern Hemisphere.
• June 5 - NASA's MESSENGER spacecraft made its second fly-by of Venus en route to Mercury.
• June 8 - The Space Shuttle Atlantis is launched on mission STS-117.
• June 27 - Tony Blair resigns as Prime Minister of the United Kingdom; New Labour Party leader Gordon Brown is appointed Prime Minister by Queen Elizabeth II.
• June 30 - A calendar blue moon occurs in most of the Eastern Hemisphere.
• July 2 - Venus and Saturn are in conjunction, separation 46 arcsecs.
• July 14 - Following a presidential decree, Russia withdraws from the Treaty on Conventional Armed Forces in Europe.
• July 19 - The Dow Jones Industrial Average closes above 14,000 for the first time in history.
• July 21 - The final book of the Harry Potter series, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, is released and sells over 11 million copies in the first 24 hours, becoming the fastest selling book in history.[24]
• August 4 - The Phoenix spacecraft launches toward the Martian north pole.
• August 6 - Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert arrives in historic Palestianian town of Jericho, moon becoming the first Prime Minister of Israel to visit the West Bank or Gaza Strip in over seven years. Olmert met with Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas.
• August 8 - The Space Shuttle Endeavour is launched on mission STS-118.
• August 17 Vladimir Putin issues a statement, revealing that Russia is to resume the flight exercises of its Strategic bombers in remote areas. The flights were suspended in 1991 after the Collapse of the Soviet Union.
• August 30 - 2007 United States Air Force nuclear weapons incident in which a B-52 flew from Minot AFB, ND to Barksdale AFB, LA carrying six nuclear warheads.
• September 12 - Russian Prime Minister Mikhail Fradkov and his entire cabinet resign.
• September 14 - The SELENE spacecraft launches. JAXA has called the mission, "the largest lunar mission since the Apollo program."

Rosh Hashanah 2007 was September 13th.

SELENE (Ancient Greek: Σελήνη, moon), better known in Japan by its nickname Kaguya (かぐや?), is the second Japanese lunar orbiter spacecraft.[1] Produced by the Institute of Space and Astronautical Science and NASDA (both organizations that are now part of the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency, or JAXA), the spacecraft was launched September 14, 2007.
The name stands for Selenological and Engineering Explorer; Selene was a lunar deity in Greek mythology. The orbiter's nickname, Kaguya, which was selected by the general public, derives from the name of a lunar princess in the ancient Japanese folktale The Tale of the Bamboo Cutter.[2] After the successful release of its sub-satellites Rstar and Vstar, they were named Okina and Ouna, also from folklore.[3]
SELENE comes as part of a renewed interest in lunar exploration, being "the largest lunar mission since the Apollo program",[4] and following up on Japan's first lunar probe, Hagoromo, launched in 1990.[1][5] China has launched the Chang'e 1 lunar explorer on October 24, 2007, with India's Chandrayaan and the United States Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter following in 2008. The United States, European countries, Russia, Japan and China are planning future manned lunar exploration missions or base construction on the moon for the year 2018 or later.[citation needed]
Full link:

• September 14 - Viktor Zubkov is approved as the new Prime Minister of Russia after a vote in the Duma.
• October 18 - After 8 years in exile, Benazir Bhutto returns to her homeland Pakistan. The same night, suicide attackers blow themselves up near Bhutto's convoy, killing 136, including 20 police officers. Bhutto escapes uninjured.
• October 23 - The Space Shuttle Discovery successfully launched on mission STS-120.
• October 24 - In the space of a few hours, Comet Holmes develops a coma and flares up to half a million times its former brightness, becoming visible to the naked eye. Its coma would later become larger in volume than the Sun, making it the second comet to do so in 2007 after Comet McNaught.
• October 25 - The first Airbus A380 passenger flight, operating for Singapore Airlines, with flight number SQ380, flew scheduled service between Singapore and Sydney, Australia.
• November 27 - The Annapolis Conference, a peace conference trying to end the Arab-Israeli conflict, is held in Annapolis, Maryland in the United States.
• December 7 - Uranus' orbit will be positioned such that the sun shines directly above its equator (i.e. an equinox)

Splitting Jerusalem:
2008 has been designated as:
International Year of Languages;[1]
International Year of Planet Earth;[2]
International Year of the Potato;[3]
International Year of Sanitation;[4]
European Year of Intercultural Dialogue;[5]

• January 2 - The price of petroleum hits US$100 per barrel for the first time.
• January 14 - At 19:04:39 UTC, the MESSENGER space probe is at its closest approach during its first flyby of the planet Mercury.[12]
• January 24 - Iraqi Parliament adopts a new national flag, removing three stars associated with the Baath Party; a permanent design is expected within the next year.
• February 4 - Iran opens its first space center and launches a rocket to space.[25]
• February 4 - A Palestinian suicide bomber kills one and wounds thirteen in a Dimona, Israel shopping center.[26]
• February 7 - Space Shuttle Atlantis launches on mission STS-122 to deliver the European-built Columbus science laboratory to the International Space Station.
• February 20 - United States Navy destroys a spy satellite containing toxic fuel by shooting it down with a missile launched from USS Lake Erie in the Pacific ocean.[40]
• February 20 - Total lunar eclipse - North and South America, Europe, Africa, and Western Asia.
• March 3 - UN Security Council Resolution 1803 on Iran's Nuclear Program
• March 6 - Eight Israeli civilians are killed and nine wounded when a Palestinian attacker opens fire at a Jewish seminary in Jerusalem.
• March 9 - First European Space Agency Automated Transfer Vehicle, a cargo spacecraft for the International Space Station, launches from Guiana Space Centre in French Guiana.
• March 19 - An exploding star halfway across the visible universe becomes the farthest known object ever visible to the naked eye.[54]
• March 20 - The United States enacts economic sanctions against Iran.
• April 3 - Jules Verne ATV docks to the International Space Station
• April 15–April 20 - Pope Benedict XVI visits the United States. Among his destinations are the White House, The Catholic University of America, the United Nations General Assembly, and the site of the fallen World Trade Center. Benedict XVI also celebrated Mass at Nationals Park and Yankee Stadium.
• April 18 - A magnitude 5.2 earthquake occurs outside of West Salem, Illinois. It is one of the strongest earthquakes in the midwestern state in 40 years.

• May 8 - Vladimir Putin is confirmed as the 10th Prime Minister of Russia after a vote in the State Duma.
• May 12 - Over 60,000 are killed in central China by an earthquake measuring 7.9Mw. The epicenter is 90 kilometers (55 miles) west-northwest of Chengdu.
• May 15 - California becomes the second U.S. state after Massachusetts in 2004 to legalize same-sex marriage after the state's Supreme Court rules a previous ban unconstitutional.[70]
• May 25 - NASA's Phoenix spacecraft lands on Mars.
• May 31 - STS-124, Space Shuttle Discovery is launched at 5:02 EST.
• June - The Large Hadron Collider (located at CERN, near Geneva, Switzerland) is to begin operation; it will be the world’s largest particle physics laboratory.
• June 3 - Launch of the The Gamma-ray Large Area Space Telescope (GLAST).
• ISRO Chandrayaan (Lunar Craft), orbiter and impactor to the Moon.